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07/06/2023 - Community Support and Maintenance - Dementia Grant ref: 7889    Recommendations Approved

Approval of multi-year grant funding

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing

Decision published: 09/06/2023

Effective from: 17/06/2023


The Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing;


1.  Formalises prior approval of a three-year grant awardto the Alzheimer’s Society for the sum of £164,000 per year, effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2026, the total grant value over the three-year period will be £492,000.


2.  Notes the multi-year arrangement will be subject to a termination clause (notice period of 4 months) regarding availability of funding from the Better Care Fund (BCF).


3.  Notes that this proposed decision is supported by the Better Care Fund Planning Group made up of officers from Southwark council and NHS South East London (SEL) Integrated Care Board (ICB) who are working under the planning assumption that BCF funding continues for 2023-24 and beyond.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: David Quirke-Thornton

07/06/2023 - St George's Way - Decision on experimental traffic filter ref: 7886    Recommendations Approved

The consultation and monitoring proposals were approved.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency, Clean Air and Streets

Decision published: 07/06/2023

Effective from: 15/06/2023

Wards affected: Faraday; Peckham; St Giles;

Lead officer: Dale Foden

31/05/2023 - Beam Up Limited Scheme - to provide services for guests under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme ref: 7878    Recommendations Approved

The award of grant funding to Beam Up Limited to provide services and support for guests under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme be approved.

Decision Maker: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Refugees

Decision published: 31/05/2023

Effective from: 08/06/2023

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Stephen Douglass

24/05/2023 - Gateway 2 - Responsive Repair and Maintenance - Roofing and Rainwater Chargeable Contracts (North & South) ref: 7876    Recommendations Approved

Responsive repairs for Roofing and Rainwater repair works to the council’s housing stock

Decision Maker: Strategic Director of Housing

Decision published: 26/05/2023

Effective from: 06/06/2023


That the Strategic Director, Housing


1.   Approves the award of Contract A – Roofing and Rainwater Contract to A&E Elkins Ltd for the estimated sum of £1.4m per annum for a period of three years from 28 August 2023 with the option to extend (at the councils discretion) by a further two years making a total estimated contract value of £7m.


2.  Approves the award of Contract B - Roofing and Rainwater Contract to Bridgewater Roofing Contractors Ltd for the estimated sum of £900k per annum for a period of three years from 28 August 2023 with the option to extend (at the councils discretion) by a further two years making a total estimated contract value of £4.5m.


3.  Notes that both A&E Elkins Ltd and Bridgewater Roofing Contractors Ltd will operate as a backup contractor to each contract area in the event of the failure to deliver the service, using their own tendered rates should this be required.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Dave Hodgson

25/05/2023 - Southwark Pioneers Fund grant awards (Round 1) approval ref: 7875    Recommendations Approved

To approve the grants for Southwark Pioneers Fund

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Jobs, Skills and Business

Decision published: 25/05/2023

Effective from: 03/06/2023


1.  The the award of £17,500 for Southwark Pioneers Fund (SPF) Launchpad grants (Round 1) to the organisations and for the amounts listed in the Appendix to this report, be approved.


2.  The the award of £32,500 for SPF Grow Your Enterprise grants (Round 1) to the organisations and for the amounts listed in the Appendix to this report, be approved.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

23/05/2023 - Reconciliation of leisure centre fees and charges ref: 7874    Recommendations Approved

Adjustments required to align current leisure centre fees and charges schedule (Everyone Active) with insourced service (June 2023)

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, Leisure and Parks

Decision published: 24/05/2023

Effective from: 01/06/2023


1.  That Cabinet Member for Leisure, Parks, Streets and Clean Air:


a)  Approves changes to the fees and charges for leisure services from 21 June 2023 as further detailed in paragraphs 9 to 27;


b)  Notes that with the exception of those changes in the fees and charges which are to correct pricing/membership anomalies identified as part of the mobilisation activity for transfer of the leisure service to the council, the changes proposed are to ensure that users of the service continue to benefit from the existing pricing arrangements;


c)  Delegates to the Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth approval to agree special offers and discounted programmes/products to be offered to service users post transfer of the leisure service and notes that amendments are to be made to the Scheme of management for the Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth department as further detailed in paragraph 29 to exercise this approval;


d)  Approves the delegation of further changes to the fees and charges for leisure services in respect of any other pricing/membership anomalies that are identified during the mobilisation activity and for the period of up to 6 months from 21 June 2023 to the Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Caroline Bruce

22/05/2023 - Gateway 3 – Variation Decision Aylesbury FDS B ref: 7872    Recommendations Approved

To approve the contract variation

Decision Maker: Strategic Director of Finance

Decision published: 23/05/2023

Effective from: 01/06/2023




1.  That the variation to Aylesbury FDS B works contract with Hill Partnerships Ltd by £2,118,326, be approved.


2.  That the revised total scheme cost inclusive of a works costs variance and the addition of a contingency sum as further detailed in the closed report, be approved.


3.  That the revised anticipated contract completion date of August 2025, be noted.


Wards affected: Faraday;

Lead officer: Clive Palfreyman

23/05/2023 - Gateway 3 – Cost Variation Decision Temporary Accommodation – Contract 3 ref: 7871    Recommendations Approved

Approval for variation for cost increase.

Decision Maker: Strategic Director of Housing

Decision published: 23/05/2023

Effective from: 01/06/2023


That the Strategic Director of Housing:


1.  Formalises his pervious approval to the variation of theTemporary Accommodation Contract 3, refurbishment/conversion contract with Niblock (Builders) Limited (Niblock) at an additional cost of £593,073 varying the contract sum from £1,869,695 to £2,462,768.


2.  Approves a variation to the contingency for the above contract, increasing the sum by £29,653 varying the contingency from £93,485 to £123,138.


3.  Notes the increase to the estimated other on-costs, including 4% development allowance associated with the contract, from £246,278 to £481,261 resulting in a variance of £234,983.


4.  Notes the increase of the total scheme costs from £2,209,458 to £3,067,167 with a variance of £857,709.


5.  Notes that this report was considered at the Departmental Contracts Review Board (DCRB) in July 2022 and was not sent for approval until April 2023.


Wards affected: Old Kent Road; St Giles;

Lead officer: Michael Scorer

23/05/2023 - Approval of Publication of Amalgamation Proposal for Camelot and Cobourg Primary Schools ref: 7873    Recommendations Approved

To approve publication of proposal to amalgamate Camelot and Cobourg Primary School, and to close Cobourg Primary School

Decision Maker: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Refugees

Decision published: 23/05/2023

Effective from: 01/06/2023


That the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Refugees agrees to publish proposals to amalgamate Cobourg Primary School and Camelot Primary School from the 31 August 2023 onwards, entailing the closure of Cobourg Primary School.


Wards affected: Old Kent Road;

Lead officer: David Quirke-Thornton

23/05/2023 - Gateway 3 - Variation Decision - Temporary Accommodation - Contract 2 ref: 7870    Recommendations Approved

Approval for variation for cost increase.

Decision Maker: Strategic Director of Housing

Decision published: 23/05/2023

Effective from: 01/06/2023


That the Strategic Director of Housing:


1.  Formalises his previous approval of the variation to the Temporary Accommodation Contract 2, refurbishment/conversion contract with Niblock (Builders) Limited (Niblock) at an additional cost of £731,907 varying the contract sum from £1,883,406 to £2,615,313.


2.  Approves a variation to the contingency for the above contract, increasing the sum by £36,596, varying the contingency from £94,170 to £130,766.


3.  Notes the increase to the other on-costs, and 4% development allowance associated with the contract, from £247,691 to £528,318 resulting in a variance of £280,627.


4.  Notes the increase of the total scheme costs from £2,225,267 to £3,274,397, resulting in an increase of £1,049,130.


5.  Notes that this report was considered at Departmental Contract Review Board (DCRB) in July 2022 but was not sent for approval until April 2023.


Wards affected: Camberwell Green; Nunhead & Queen's Road; St Giles;

Lead officer: Michael Scorer

23/05/2023 - Gateway 3 – Cost Variation Decision - Temporary Accommodation - Contract 1 ref: 7869    Recommendations Approved

Approval for variation for cost increase.

Decision Maker: Strategic Director of Housing

Decision published: 23/05/2023

Effective from: 01/06/2023


That the Strategic Director of Housing:


1.  Formalises his approval of the variation to the Temporary Accommodation Contract 1, refurbishment/conversion contract with Niblock (Builders) Limited (Niblock), varying the contract sum from £2,086,229 to £2,647,251, an increase of £561,022.


2.  Approves a variation to the contingency for the above contract, increasing the contingency from £104,311 to £132,363, an increase of £28,052.


3.  Notes the increase to estimated on-costs, including a 4% development allowance associated with the contract, as a result of the above requested approvals from £371,138 to £403,065 an increase of £31,927.


4.  Notes the increase of the total scheme costs from £2,561,678 to £3,182,679 resulting to a total scheme variation of £621,001.


5.  Notes that this report was considered at the Departmental Contract Review Board (DCRB) in July 2022 but was not sent for approval until May 2023.


Wards affected: Camberwell Green; Nunhead & Queen's Road; St Giles;

Lead officer: Michael Scorer

22/05/2023 - East Dulwich Homes - Local Lettings

Approve local lettings scheme for 10 new homes.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Council Homes 2022-23

Decision due date: Not before 26/06/2023

Wards affected: Dulwich Hill; Goose Green;

Lead officer: Karen Shaw

Notice of decision: 22/05/2023

19/05/2023 - Gateway 3 - Variation Decision - Aylesbury First Development Site (FDS) A ref: 7868    Recommendations Approved

Variation to works contract with Hills Partnership Ltd for FDS A

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Council Homes and Homelessness

Decision published: 19/05/2023

Effective from: 27/05/2023


That the Cabinet Member for Council Homes and Homelessness;


1.  Approves of £2,256,989 to allow the final account for First Development Site (FDS) A with Hill Partnership Limited to be agreed and payments to be made as set out in paragraphs 42-45.

2.  Notes that this paper brings in line all previous approvals for FDS A between 2020 and 2023.

3.  Notes that an increased total scheme cost of £95,476,285 was approved in the cabinet paper of January 2023.

4.  Notes the total scheme cost of £ 97,732,474, now that the estimated final account has been negotiated and agreed.

5.  Notes that approval for incremental increases has taken place during the course of the project.

6.  Notes the revised anticipated contract completion date of July 2023.

Wards affected: Faraday;

Lead officer: Angela Ohen

17/05/2023 - Gateway 2 - Contract Award Approval - Southwark Works Framework Appointment and initial Call-off Contracts approval ref: 7867    Recommendations Approved

Approval of the appointment of the Southwark Works Framework providers and initial call off contracts

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 17/05/2023

Effective from: 25/05/2023


That the Chief Executive;


1.  Approves the establishment of the Southwark Works Framework Agreement, for a period of four years commencing 1 July 2023 with an estimated total contract value of £5,814,809, and agrees to the appointment to the framework of the providers specified in Table 1, paragraph 12 of this report.


2.  Approves the individual Call-off Contracts from the Southwark Works Framework and their values as set out in Table 2 (paragraph 13) for an initial period of two years from 1 July 2023, with the option to extend for a further two years the total value of all the Call-off Contracts for the initial two year period (1 July 2023 to 30 June 2025) is £2,907,404.


3.  Notes that no providers have been recommended a contract for lot 1a and that alternative plans are being developed for this target client group (young people with learning difficulties or disabilities), as set out in paragraph 15 of this report and approval for these plans will be sought via further Gateway reports in line with council Contract Standing Orders (CSOs).


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Danny Edwards

15/05/2023 - Gateway 3 - Variation Decision for variations valued over £500,000 (Works) - Works Contract for the New Homes Delivery programme - Tissington Court ref: 7866    For Determination

Approval of cost increase to main works

Decision Maker: Strategic Director of Housing

Decision published: 16/05/2023

Effective from: 24/05/2023


1.  That a variation to the works contract for the New Homes Delivery programme for Tissington Court with Guildmore Limited in the sum of £767,841.32 be approved, making a revised total contract value of £14,227,628.01.


2.  That it be noted that other additional works costs of £239,281.74 for the district heating, £7,313.51 for the gas enclosure and the increased associated on costs of £156,851.18 have been approved outside of this Gateway (GW) 3 approval, which following approval of recommendation 1 above will increase the total scheme costs to £17,193,403.00 representing an increase of 7.3% from the total scheme costs noted in the GW 3 approval of £16,022,115.00 on 19 January 2023.

Wards affected: Rotherhithe;

Lead officer: Stuart Davis