Councillor Sam Dalton

Profile image for Councillor Sam Dalton

Title: Deputy Cabinet Member for Supported Housing

Party: Labour

Ward: London Bridge & West Bermondsey

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Surgery details

Dear Resident

Your locally elected councillors will be holding fixed and mobile surgeries in London Bridge and West Bermondsey to enable residents to raise local issues.

Fixed surgery: Bermondsey Village Hall, SE1 3TD, from 6-7pm on the third Monday of the month.

• Monday 15th July
• Monday 16th September
• Monday 21st October
• Monday 18th November
• Monday 16th December

Please note Surgeries are not held in August, on bank holidays or in Christmas week.

London Bridge & West Bermondsey Ward Councillor

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
c/o Members' Room
160 Tooley Street


Mobile:  07722 553856

Preferred pronoun :  He/him

Download Councillor Sam Dalton contact details as VCard

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Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 05/05/2022 -