Councillor Stephanie Cryan

Profile image for Councillor Stephanie Cryan

Title: (Labour and Co-operative) Cabinet Member for Equalities, Democracy and Finance

Party: Labour

Ward: Rotherhithe

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Surgery details

Your locally elected councillors will be holding a mobile (roving) surgery programme in the Rotherhithe area to enable residents to raise any local issues. Residents will be notified of the date, time and specific streets/roads where the surgery will take place by letter in advance.

Surgeries are not held in August, on bank holidays, Easter or in Christmas week.

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Cabinet Office
160 Tooley Street

Bus. phone:  020 7525 0247


Mobile:  07985116251

Preferred pronoun :  She/her

Download Councillor Stephanie Cryan contact details as VCard

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Committee appointments

Terms of Office

  • 27/05/2014 - 07/05/2018
  • 07/05/2018 - 05/05/2022
  • 05/05/2022 -

Appointments to outside bodies