Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Housing Revenue Account - Indicative Rent and Charges Report 2024-25'
- Councillor Darren Merrill - Pecuniary - Councillor Darren Merrill declared a disclosble pencuniary interest in respect of Item 13: Housing Revenue Account- Indicative Rent and Charges as has a business that rents a garage.
- Councillor Evelyn Akoto - Pecuniary - Councillor Evelyn Akoto declared a disclosble pencuniary interest in respect of Item 13: Housing Revenue Account- Indicative Rent and Charges as a leaseholder.
- Councillor Martin Seaton - Pecuniary - Councillor Martin Seaton declared a disclosble pencuniary interest in respect of Item 13: Housing Revenue Account- Indicative Rent and Charges as a leaseholder.
- Councillor Natasha Ennin - Pecuniary - Councillor Natasha declared a disclosble pencuniary interest in respect of Item 13: Housing Revenue Account- Indicative Rent and Charges as a council tenant.