The purpose of the committee
To secure real and sustained improvements in the
life chances of looked after children, and to work within an annual
programme to that end
To develop, monitor and review a corporate parenting
strategy and work plan
To seek to ensure that the life chances of looked
after children are maximised in terms of health educational
attainment, and access to training and employment, to aid the
transition to a secure and productive adulthood
To develop and co-ordinate a life chances strategy
and work plan to improve the life chances of Southwark looked after
To recommend ways in which more integrated services
can be developed across all council departments, schools and the
voluntary sector to lead towards better outcomes for looked after
To ensure that mechanisms are in place to enable
looked after children and young people to play an integral role in
service planning and design, and that their views are regularly
sought and acted upon
To ensure performance monitoring systems are in
place, and regularly review performance data to ensure sustained
performance improvements in outcomes for looked after
To receive an annual report on the adoption and
fostering services to monitor their effectiveness in providing safe
and secure care for looked after children
To report to the council’s executive on a
yearly basis
To make recommendations to the relevant executive
decision maker where responsibility for that particular function
rests with the executive
To report to the scrutiny sub-committee with
responsibility for children’s services after each
To appoint non-voting co-opted members
The corporate parenting
committee meets on average four times a year at the Council Offices at 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH
unless indicated otherwise.