Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday 6 March 2024 11.00 am

Venue: Rooms GO2A, B and C, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH

Contact: Paula Thornton and Virginia Wynn-Jones  Phone: 020 7525 4395/7055 Email:;

Note: Please note that cabinet meetings are usually live streamed. If you address the meeting, please do not disclose any information you do not wish to be in the public domain. Livestream at:; to attend in person please contact the above constitutional officer. 

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence.


    All members were present.


Notification of any items of Business which the Chair Deems Urgent

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    In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting.


    There were none.


Notice of Intention to conduct business in a closed meeting, and any representations received

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    To note the items specified which will be considered in a closed meeting.


    There were none.


Disclosure of Interests and Dispensations

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    Members to declare any interests and dispensations in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.


    None were declared.


Public Question Time (15 Minutes)

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    To receive any questions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the cabinet procedure rules. The deadline for the receipt public questions is midnight Thursday 29 February 2024.



    1.  Ralph Smyth

    Why has the climate SPD that was due to be published last year been further delayed, and how confident is cabinet that it will be submitted before the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 phases out SPDs?

    Response by Councillor Helen Dennis, Cabinet Member for New Homes and Sustainable Development

    The Climate Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) cannot come to cabinet until the end of the Local Government pre-election period, which is in force from 18 March – 2 May 2024, therefore the earliest date is 18 June 2024.


    The SPD contributes to Southwark Council’s commitment to make the borough greener and more sustainable.


    The SPD will bring in much needed technical guidance on key issues such as:


    ·  Energy and carbon reduction

    ·  Minimising flood risk and water efficiency 

    ·  Environmental protection and improving air quality 

    ·  Green Infrastructure, biodiversity and trees (including new government requirement for biodiversity net gain)

    ·  Movement and transport 

    ·  Avoiding waste and minimising landfill. 


    This guidance will help planning applications consider green initiatives in line with the Southwark Plan 2022, and it is also an important step ahead of the Early Review of the Southwark Plan.


    The Government have confirmed that SPDs will remain in force until planning authorities adopt a new style local plan, as set out in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act (2023). The legislation still includes a requirement for local authorities to prepare ‘Supplementary plans’, with the focus shifted to site specific or area wide policies and design codes. Therefore, much of the guidance in the Climate SPD references can be repurposed under the requirements of the new Act, continuing to play a vital role in the council achieving its net zero carbon target for 2030.

    2.  Jess Hinings

    Why does the council's technology and digital strategy not propose anything more ambitious on climate than printing less paper? Such as the digital dashboard XR Southwark suggested to improve accountability, and enable residents and businesses to track the borough’s progress on its climate targets and goals.

    Response by Councillor Stephanie Cryan, Cabinet Member for Communities, Democracy and Finance

    Southwark Council is dedicated to doing our utmost for the environment and combating climate change through tangible actions outlined in our Technology and Digital Strategy 2024-2026.


    To prioritise energy efficiency, we have implemented various Green IT practices, such as:


    1.  Virtualised Environments: Instead of using lots of separate servers, we make one server act like many, which saves energy and helps us manage things better.


    2.  Not Oversizing Systems: We make sure we only give our computer systems the resources they really need, which saves money and makes them work more efficiently.


    3.  Using Test and Backup Systems when necessary: We only turn on extra systems when we really need them, using smart technology to save resources and energy consumption.


    4.  We are also encouraging everyone to print less to help the environment.


    5.  Our plan doesn't stop there, as our strategy supports the many actions we are doing within the Council to end the climate  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Deputation Requests

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    To consider any deputation requests. The deadline for the receipt of deputation requests is midnight Thursday 29 February 2024.


    There were none.



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    To approve as a correct record the minutes of the open section of the meeting held on 6 February 2024.

    Supporting documents:




    That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chair.


Marie Curie - Resident rehousing

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    To note the ongoing resident engagement to date and the progress on the rehousing of the remaining secure council tenants within Southwark.

    Supporting documents:


    Councillor Ian Wingfield, addressed cabinet on behalf of local ward councillors.




    1.  That the ongoing resident engagement to date be noted and that the Sceaux Gardens tenants and residents association (T&RA) (comprising resident volunteers that meets at key stages) be thanked for their continued work and engagement with the council to date.


    2.  That the progress on the rehousing of the remaining secure council tenants within Southwark and the buy-back of properties owned by non-resident leaseholders be noted.


    3.  That it be agreed that any remaining Marie Curie secure tenant(s) beyond 1 May 2024, are afforded pre advert, direct offer status to allow rehousing to be completed at pace and no later than the end of the first quarter of 2024-25.


    4.  That officers be instructed to report back in 4 months, in July 2024 on the progress of rehousing all the remaining residents and ultimately confirming a date when the building will be decommissioned.


    5.  That it be noted that the ongoing cost of maintaining the waking watch does not represent best value for money, as the WW costs are circa £400,000 per annum (for a building with 7 remaining tenants and 4 non-resident leaseholders).


Closure of Ann Bernadt Nursery School


Draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy


Framework for Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy funding


Digital and Technology Strategy 2024-2026


Gateway 1 - Procurement Strategy Approval Temporary Accommodation

    To approve the procurement strategy to undertake a procurement exercise for the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the supply and management of temporary accommodation (TA).

    Supporting documents:


    Councillor Helen Dennis confirmed that the date referred to in paragraphs 30 and 33 of the report relating to the issue of the prior information notice (PIN), should in fact be March 2024 (and not February).




    1.  That the procurement strategy outlined in the report to undertake a procurement exercise for the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the supply and management of temporary accommodation (TA) for a period of six years from August 2024 at an estimated cost of up to £45m per annum, making a total estimated cost of £270m, be approved.


    2.  That it be noted that the appointment to the DPS does not constitute any award of contract with the supplier and that this be delegated to the strategic director of housing, where this may be required.


    3.  That it be noted that the procurement strategy in the report for the DPS will result in bidders being required to provide all forms of temporary accommodation properties, subject to individual negotiation for the call-off process that will be approved in line with the council’s governance, for leases of three, five and up to ten years as well as nightly paid accommodation (NPA). It is further noted that the council reserves the right to procure properties outside of the DPS as and when required.


    4.  That the council will provide an annual performance report a year after implementation of the DPS to the lead member for council homes and sustainable development. This report will include information on the location and quality of the accommodation as well as the financial impact to the council.


Gateway 2 - Contract Award Approval - Integrated sexual and reproductive health service

    To approve the use of a contract for the delivery of an integrated sexual and reproductive health service, let by Lambeth Council on Southwark Council’s behalf to King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust for a period of up to seven years.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the use of a contract for the delivery of an integrated sexual and reproductive health service, let by Lambeth Council on Southwark Council’s behalf to King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust for a period of up to seven years, for an estimated contract value of up to £10,117,975 be approved.


    2.  That it be noted that the estimated annual value is £1,445,425and that the contract is broken down into three contract phases, with an initial term of three years, and two extensions of two years, each scheduled to commence on 1 April 2024.


S106 and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Motion to Exclude the Press and Public

That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in category 3 of paragraph 10.4 of the access to information procedure rules of the Southwark Constitution.


The following is a summary of the decisions taken in the closed part of the meeting.



    To approve as a correct record the closed minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2024.




That the minutes of the closed section of the meeting held on 6 February 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chair.