Agenda item

Policy and Resources Strategy 2017-18

Would members please bring the Policy and Resources Strategy 2017-18 report which was sent to them on 20th January 2017 to this meeting for the purpose of the scrutiny budget.


4.1 Each Cabinet member introduced their portfolio and answered questions from members of the committee.

4.2 The committee formulated the following recommendations to the Cabinet at the end of all the interviews.




1.  That the monitoring process for delivering savings and efficiencies in Children’s and Adult Social Care should include updates to Overview & Scrutiny Committee  in June and November 2017   this should  include any concerns arising from discussions at budget recovery board.


2.  That the Cabinet works with the NHS to change accessibility rules and manage demand to ensure public health spending is kept under control.  This would include work to ensure Southwark residents are accessing care that meets their needs but also reduces unnecessary costs.


3.  That there is a review of the voluntary redundancy scheme to ensure it is cost effective and that it can be accessed by low paid staff.


4.  That the cabinet carries out external consultation with service users, their families and voluntary sector groups regarding changes to Adult Social Care Services.  This should be in addition to consultation with staff and individuals whose care packages might be subject to review. 


5.  That the cabinet member for environment and the public realm works with local housing associations and private managing agents to improve waste management services available to residents through exploring options around Southwark council waste contracts.



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