Agenda and minutes

Borough, Bankside and Walworth Community Council - Monday 2 July 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Amigo Hall, St. George’s Cathedral, St George's Road SE1 6HR

Contact: Alexa Coates  Principal Constitutional Officer

Note No. Item


Welcome and introductions

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    The chair welcomed councillors, members of the public and officers to the meeting.



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    There were apologies for absence from Councillors Catherine Bowman, Tim McNally and Helen Morrissey.


Disclosure of members' interests and dispensations

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    There were none.


Items of business that the Chair deems urgent

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    The chair indicated that he had accepted a late and urgent deputation request from the Walworth Society which would be considered under agenda item 6, petitions and deputations.


Community Announcements

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    Black History Month


    Community Infrastructure Levy


    The chair made the following community announcements:


    Black History Month is taking place from 1-31 October 2012. An annual grant programme is open for events and project proposals the closing date is this Friday on 6 July. And there are also opportunities for organisations  to tender brief and individuals to get involved through the advisory group membership. More information is available on the council website


    The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a new levy that councils can charge on new developments in their area. The money can be used to support development by funding infrastructure that the council, local community and neighbourhoods want. It will replace the current system toolkit element of Section 106, with site specific Section 106 remaining. 


    From mid-July the Council is planning to consult upon it's Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule in relation to Southwark's CIL, which will be a square metre cost applied to chargeable floor space on new developments in the borough. The rate is likely to vary geographically and by planning use. Affordable housing and charities can apply for relief from CIL on those elements of a development. At the same time the Council will be consulting upon ideas for local infrastructure as part of refreshing the project bank system. If anyone has ideas for new infrastructure needed in their local area please forward them to


    Consultation is likely to start on the 10th July for 12 weeks. There will be a further round of consultation at the end of 2012.


    Council Tax ChangesAkinola Daisi explained that the council were going to be consulting on changes to council tax benefit as each council was required to introduce a localised scheme by January 2013. The council was working to identify people affected by the proposed changed and would write to them directly. In response to questions Akinola explained that under the scheme pensioners would not be adversely affected and that the scheme would not effect people who receive other discounts such as single person discount – it would only affect people who received council tax benefit.


    St Peter’s Church – Father Andrew announced that a celebration had been held on 2 June for the Queen’s Jubilee and thanked residents, schools and TRA’s for getting involved. There would be a Walworth’s got talent event held at the church on 13 October 2012 for residents in SE17.




Deputations and Petitions

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    Supporting documents:




      Members agreed to hear the late deputation request.


    Jeremy Leach, presented a deputation on behalf of the Walworth Society, which requested that the council reconsider the sale of Manor Place terrace.


    In response to questions Jeremey stated that the Walworth Society felt that the terrace was a beautiful building which had been neglected and was an important part of the area. The society had requested that English Heritage list the building but they did not feel it was of national significance however the society hoped it would be considered for local listing.


    Jeremy advised that the Walworth Society would be at the Hub on the Walworth Road on 3 July and based around the terrace on 4 July if people wanted to show their support and get involved.


Theme - Regeneration in Elephant and Castle

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7.15 pm


Elephant and Castle Leisure Centre Update

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    Julie Vindis


    There was no officer to present this item.

7.20 pm


Regeneration Update

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    Ciron from Soundings


    Update on elephant and castle regeneration forum and hub and how to get involved.


    Ciron Edwards from Soundings gave an update on the consultation process for the redevelopment. Ciron explained that Soundings were consultants for Lend Lease and Southwark and were based at the Hub on Walworth Road, opposite Newington library. Soundings had held events at the Hub throughout June where the master plan was exhibited including documents on the outline planning application. Ciron had been involved in specific workshops with local residents which looked at different aspects of the development such as interim uses of the site.


    A community forum had been established and the next public meeting was on 18 July 2012. At the previous meeting in June the forum had discussed ideas from the northern roundabout although Ciron highlighted that there were some conflicting ideas about things like the use of subways. These comments would be out forward to TfL who were responsible for the roundabout.


    Ciron outlined that the final exhibition on phase 1 would take place on Thursday 19 July and Saturday 21 July at the consultation hub, then the final content of the planning application would be submitted for phase 1 in late July and it was expected plans for the leisure centre would follow in August.


    More information could be found at


    In response to questions from Ciron clarified that the term intermediate uses referred to short terms uses for site. Some of the spaces might be vacant for 10 years and so community groups could apply to use the spaces. The boundaries of phase 1 were: Victory Place, Balfour Street and Rodney Road. There were still opportunities for people to have an input in plans for the northern roundabout as this was at a preliminary plan stage and there would be further consultation, Ciron reiterated that this was a TfL project. Some spaces would be empty for 10 years as the configuration of the development did not allow for partial development.


7.30 pm


London Community Foundation

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    Kate Moralee


    Kate Moralee from the London Community Foundation explained that Lend Lease had set up a community fund with an initial contribution of £25,000, it was hoped that more funding could be raised to generate a pot of £1 million. The funding was available for projects which were of benefit to residents in the elephant and castle opportunity area.


    The fund was launched on the 1 June and the closing date for applications was 20 July, Kate advised that the deadlines were strict and no applications received after the closing date would be considered. A panel consisting of members from Lend Lease, Southwark Council and a community representative would make the decisions on the allocation of the fund.  People wishing to become the community representatives were to make an expression of interest to Kate before 10 July. The panel was expected to meet in August with decisions by September. Applications were invited along the following themes: further education, arts and culture and environment. The fund was open to local groups who were embedded in the community.


    In response to questions Kate clarified that only constituted groups could apply for funding. That the area which the fund applied to was clearly defined on the website, groups apply did not have to be based in the area but the beneficiaries must be. The fund was intended for small groups with allocation of £250-£5,000 so wasn’t really designed for collaboration between organisations. Lend Lease had two places on the fund as they were currently the only contributors although it was hoped to attract more funding. Groups would need to meet the themes outlined in order to be successful.

8.00 pm


Q&A with the Leader of the Council - Councillor Peter John

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    An opportunity to put questions to the Leader of the Council.


    The Leader thanked the chair for inviting him to the inaugural meeting of the Borough, Bankside and Walworth community council. He gave a brief overview of some of the projects the council was delivering such as: free healthy school meals, the introduction of food recycling and making every council home warm, dry and safe. The administration had frozen council tax at the same level for the past two years and was allocating a community restoration fund of £1 million to help areas affected by the disturbances in the summer of 2011. The regeneration of elephant and castle was continuing with the Aylesbury and the council was currently looking for a development partner to deliver the large project covering 28.5 hectares.


    Cllr John invited the Walworth Society to present a deputation to cabinet on Manor Place and stated that he was interested to learn more.


    In response to questions Cllr John clarified that Southwark were seeking to keep the level of rent affordable. Under new legislation social housing registered landlords would be able to charge up to 80% of the market value for rent. The council would seek to keep their rents affordable.


    A resident asked why the Lend Lease Phase 1 application did not commit to the 35% level of affordable housing outlined in council policy. Cllr John responded that the application was an outline and therefore did not contain all the detail of a final application. He also stated that levels of affordable housing were subject to affordability tests irrespective of what the guidance seeks. In London developments normally consisted of 15-19% affordable housing. As part of the Heygate agreement the council had secured a minimum of 25% affordable housing, so even if the 35% was not met the minimum would be higher than the norm in London. In response to a further question on affordable housing Cllr John clarified that the Heygate estate had been emptied so residents were not losing homes and there would be a net increase in the number of affordable homes.


    In response to further questions from the floor Cllr John reiterated the promise to make every council home warm, safe and dry – there was a timetable for a schedule of work for every block of homes. A resident raised a recent press story about the level of council tax owed to the council. Cllr John explained that the council tax collection service had recently been brought ‘in-house’ to deal with this issue and recovering this debt was a work in progress. In terms of contracts with other companies, the council had in place procedures to deal with any potential risk of fraud. In response to questions on transport and parking Cllr John explained that there had been proposals for a tram line in the south of the borough but this required investment in infrastructure from TfL and the government. If residents experienced particular issues with parking Cllr John suggested they raise them with one of their ward councillors.


    A resident raised an  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.

8.45 pm


Community Council Fund

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    Executive Function


    To consider the allocation of community council funding for 2012/13.

    Supporting documents:


    Executive Function


    Members considered the information in the report.




    That the following projects be awarded community council funding:


    Actionplus Foundation - £500


    Applegarth House TMC - £500


    Bankside Open Spaces Trust (BOST) - £783


    Bankside Residents Forum - £1,000


    Blackfriars Settlement - £500


    Geraldine Mary Harmsworth - £950


    Parent Forum of Cathedral & St Mary - £500


    Perronet House Tenants and Residents Association - £400


    Play scheme @ Friars - £500


    Southwark Cathedral - £930


    David Idowu Foundation - £1,000


    Decima Street Tenants and Residents Association - £900


    Mental Fight Club - £500


    Rockingham Community Tenants and Residents Association - £720


    St George in Southwark Festival - £993


    Tabard Gardens (Central) Tenants and Residents Association - £500


    Tabard Gardens (North) Tenants and Residents Association - £600


    Tabard Gardens (South) Tenants and Residents Association - £600


    Dorothy Gbagonah - £2,000


    Rodney Road Tenants and Residents Association - £1,000


    Somali Youth Action Forum - £1,000


    Southwark Cyprus Turkish Association - £1,000


    Surrey Square After School Club - £813


    Art in the Park - £378


    Divine Rescue - £1,000


    Friends of Burgess Park (housing for wildlife) – £430


    Friends of Burgess Park (wild Burgess) - £435


    Golden Hope - £850


    Sickle Cell and Young Stoke Survivors - £ 1,000


    St Peter’s Church Walworth - £1,220


    30th Southwark (St Mary’s) Scout Group - £300


    Camberwell Afterschool Project - £1,200


    Latin American Disabled People’s Project - £1,000


    Manor Place Hostel - £857


    New Image Youth Centre - £856


    Pullens Tenants and Residents Association - £600

    Walworth Society - £1,000


    (Note: £750 was returned from funds allocated in 2011/12 which was added to the community council fund, making £29,815 available in 2012/13.


    There is a £500 under spend still available)



Cleaner, Greener, Safer Revenue Fund

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9.00 pm


Cleaner, Greener, Safer Revenue Fund - allocation


Cleaner, Greener, Safer Revenue Fund - bank account signatories

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    To consider signatories for the CGS revenue fund bank accounts.

    Supporting documents:


    Members considered the information in the report.



    That Councillors Martin Seaton, David Noakes and Claire Hickson be nominated signatories for the Cleaner, Greener, Safer Revenue bank account.

9.05 pm


Local Parking Amendments

9.10 pm


Public Question Time

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    This is an opportunity for public questions to be addressed to the chair.


    Residents or persons working in the borough may ask questions on any matter in relation to which the council has powers or duties.


    Responses may be supplied in writing following the meeting.


    Supporting documents:


    The following questions were raised from the floor:


    As a follow up to the following question submitted  to the Walworth community council: Who gave permission for a cash point to be put outside to William Hill in East Street, which restricts the width of the pavement?

    What was the notification/consultation process before this decision was taken?


    Why was the regeneration of Stead Street Car Park decided before any consultation?


    There is an overflow of water from the roof of Marshall House onto East Street – Cllr Lauder agreed to take this issue up.


    In relation to issues experienced at a new development at City Walk off Long Lane a resident asked environmental health to clarify what their procedures were once a complaint had been made to an environmental health officer?



    The following questions were submitted in writing:


    Two issues was raised in relation to Hanworth House which have been forwarded directly to the housing department for response.


    An issue was raised in relation to rent rises which has been sent directly to the property team


    What will become of the leftover funds from the CGS fund 2010-12? Would this money be allocated to the organisations left out of the 2012 bid? Could you let us know what the total amount of money is surplus in the fund?


    When will the exhibition of the Winchester Palace reopen? The adjoining cafe has the key and says the council has told them not to unlock the access door. Also can the moss on the new wall be removed?


    Have the council finally come to a suitable agreement concerning the current barrier between the Globe and 48 Bankside? The recently installed barrier is obviously a big improvement on the ‘borrowed’ utility barriers that had been allowed to stand there for many years. After many years the said gate was transferred to cardinal cap alley, the gate has recently been left open. Has there been an agreement with the bankside houses and the council to have occasional opening. If so when are these opening scheduled?


    Can the council remove the very large ‘whiskey shop’ advertising board from Clink Street which is to be part of the Olympic Riverside Walkway? Are the council bringing in a new system to license pavement boards?


    Door entry system for Meakin/Elim Estate and Decima Street properties – residents would like to know what is delaying the provision of their door entry system which has been approved in the Project Bank since 2008? With currently three development going on within Meakin Estate and Elim Estate, residents have been facing serious ASB due to the use of the staircases.


    What is the council doing about the noise disturbances currently going on from the two construction sites: Wild Rent Street development (SE1) and Decima Street (SE1). These constructions have been going on at the same time and next to other which is having an effect on residents. How could the planning and development of the site be so coincidental creating a nuisance  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.