Issue - meetings

Deputations/Petitions (If any)

Meeting: 25/06/2013 - Dulwich Community Council (Item 6)

6 Deputations/Petitions

To receive deputation presentations from local residents regarding parking problems in the Dulwich area.

Supporting documents:


Meeting: 17/04/2013 - Peckham and Nunhead Community Council (Item 6)

6 Deputations/Petitions

The chair to advise on any other deputations or petitions received.

Supporting documents:




That the deputation requests from residents of Rosenthorpe Action Group & Friends and Bellenden Residents Group be heard.


The chair explained that each spokesperson for the deputation would be given five minutes to speak followed by questions for five minutes.  The chair asked the representatives to ensure they kept to the subject matter at hand and not to refer to any individual cases.


Rosenthorpe Action Group


The deputation spokesperson, Mick Barnard addressed the meeting and a summary of the presentation is given below:


The Southwark constitution which referred to member and officer protocol which initially had references on “accountability” detailed under the procedure council rules in the constitution.  He asked whether this could be re-inserted and suggested further wording to the council’s code of conduct and disciplinary regulations.  Mick referred to the council assembly procedure rules on deputations stating that the process needed some fairness.  Mick later made reference to a cleaner greener safer project and touched on section 106 contributions.


The chair advised the spokesperson not to make references to any council schemes or individual cases in accordance with the advice that was given earlier.


Jon Gost, the legal officer introduced himself and advised that it would not be acceptable to hear examples of individual cases; it had to be in line with the deputation.  At this point Mick Barnard was prevented from concluding his presentation.


Members did not debate the matter other than to note comments from the deputation and state the points raised at the meeting would be fedback to officers.


Bellenden Residents’ Group


The deputation spokesperson, Eileen Conn addressed the meeting and spoke about the residents group which was set up in 2002 and the Bellenden neighbourhood renewal scheme which was formed 13 years ago.  The top issue then was traffic and safety improvements in the area as well as traffic flow on Bellenden, Lyndhurst, Holly Grove, Lyndhurst and others within the vicinity. 


The spokesperson mentioned that residents had expected a consultation on the one way system in Bellenden Road to see if it was an effective way to address the safety impact.  Many of the residents missed the consultation.  The spokesperson said she would like members of the community council to work with residents, to discuss and consult on the different traffic flows that would work for the area.


In response to questions, Councillor Hargrove thanked the spokesperson for her deputation and made references to the local implementation plan budget.  He said if the scheme could not go ahead this year, he hoped that the Bellenden Residents Group would continue to work with the council in order to achieve the best possible traffic flow scheme for the area.  The deputation representatives agreed to do this.

Councillor Glover expressed a view that as a local resident who lived opposite Bellenden Road, there was evidence that the council could undertake a more detailed consultation.  Councillor Dolezal said he also fully endorsed the proposal. 


The spokesperson for the deputation explained the residents’ group had around 850 people  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6