Agenda item


To receive deputation presentations from local residents regarding parking problems in the Dulwich area.



That the deputation requests from local residents relating to the North Dulwich Triangle and the Herne Hill, Norwood Road traders be heard.

Deputation from local residents – North Dulwich triangle

The spokesperson addressed the meeting and explained that they were a group of residents that live on Elfindale Road, Red Post Hill and Frankfurt Road in the North Dulwich Triangle, which bounds between Herne Hill, Half Moon Lane, Red Post Hill and Sunray Avenue.  The purpose of the deputation was to give their views on poor availability of on-street parking in that area and requested the council to carry out a consultation on a controlled parking zone in the streets listed above.  The last consultation for this area took place in 2010, and residents were of the view that so much had changed since the last one that another consultation was justified.


The problem had become much worse due to the implementation of controlled parking zone on Hollingbourne Road and Holmdene Avenue, which had pushed the problem further into the roads where they live.  The spokesperson said the increased use of the car parking facilities at Charter School, JAGs (James Allen Girls’ School) and sports hall out of hours activities were not always sufficient.  This has been a particular problem for families that require the use of their car during the day or when they have to lock young children in the car whilst parents off load their shopping.


The spokesperson stated that Lambeth council were about to extend their controlled parking zone on the North side of Herne Hill so every road from Kings College Hospital down to Herne Hill station would have controlled parking which eventually would push the issue over to the other side of Southwark that has no control parking.  She added that cars were parked on these roads for weeks on end or even months and appeared as if they did not belong to anyone that lived there.


The spokesperson’s view  was that people would have different opinions about paying to park outside their homes but the situation had become increasingly worse that paying to park would be a better option.


In response to questions from members, representatives of the deputation explained they carried out an informal survey, which involved sending fliers to residents on Elfindale Road. They confirmed that out of the 96 houses, they received 30 responses.


23 of the responses were in favour of a CPZ, 5 were against any form of controlled parking and the rest were undecided. The spokesperson said since the last consultation in 2010, 12 houses had changed ownership and those residents who previously were against controlled parking were now in favour of it, many of those residents were from Beckwith Road and Frankfurt Road. Members asked the spokesperson whether they would consider different parking schemes that could act as a traffic calming measure. The deputation said this proposal would not work because these roads were narrow.



That officers present a report on these proposals at the next community council

   meeting setting out how the problem could be tackled.


Deputation from Herne Hill Traders (Norwood Road)

The spokesperson for the deputation (chair of the Herne Hill Traders) addressed the meeting. He explained the traders had agreed unanimously that they would like to see the 30-minute (free parking) time limit extended along Norwood Road situated on the Southwark side parade of shops to one hour free parking. The Herne Hill Forum was also supportive of this proposal. He felt this was imperative for local businesses to survive especially in the current economic climate.  He said people should be able to enjoy their shopping experience without having to rush around and more people should be encouraged to visit Norwood Road parade of shops.


Following questions from members, they felt that not all businesses along Norwood Road had objected to the 30-minute (free parking) time limit. In addition, members also felt that undertaking a further consultation (CPZ) could be expensive, not all shoppers that visited the shops in Norwood Road, some came by car, many shoppers lived locally and this may involve some displacement for car users.


After further debate, members of the community council agreed a motion.




That officers report on the procedures that would include a consultation for extending free parking time limit in Norwood Road.


The chair thanked the deputation for their presentations.

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