Forward plan

Forward Plan September 2023  (01/09/2023 to 30/04/2024, Leader of the Council)

Plan items
No. Item

Part 1: The following matters will be considered by the full cabinet under Southwark Council's constitution


Amendment to the Home Purchasee Grant scheme

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Michael Scorer

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/02/2023


Gateway 1 - Procurement Strategy Approval: Heating and Water Repairs, Maintenance, Refurbishment and Replacement Works

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Michael Scorer

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/03/2023


Response to the report of the Care Contributions Scrutiny Review Report from Health and Social Care
Scrutiny Commission - 13 June 2023 Cabinet

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Response to the report of the Education and Local Economy Scrutiny Commission: Review of mitigating falling pupil numbers in schools - 13 June 2023 Cabinet New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Manor Place Terrace - Letting of Commercial Space New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  Caroline Bruce

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Gateway 0 The Provision of Care Services in Flexi Care Housing New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  Russell Jones

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Policy and Resources: revenue monitoring report 2023-24

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   September 2023

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/03/2023


Policy and Resources: Capital monitoring report and capital programme update

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2023

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/03/2023


Economic Strategy 2023-30

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   December 2023

    Lead officer:  Caroline Bruce

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023


Gateway 3 - Variation Approval: Communal lighting and landlords electrical installations

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/03/2023


GW0 - Commercial Fleet Procurement

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  Caroline Bruce

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/02/2023


Fleet Management Strategy

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  Caroline Bruce

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/02/2023


Gateway 1: The Provision of Care Services in Flexi Care Housing

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/07/2021


Generic Emergency Plan

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  Stephen Gaskell

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023


Annual school place planning report financial and academic year 2023-24 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Policy and Resources Strategy Report: Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) Update New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   December 2023

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Refresh of Procurement Framework to support Southwark 2030

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2024

    Lead officer:  Doreen Forrester-Brown

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/12/2022


Ethical, equitable and excellent care - a vision for Southwark

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/03/2023


Gateway 1 - Procurement Strategy Approval: Integrated Domestic Abuse Service

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  Caroline Bruce

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/04/2022


Policy and Resources - Capital Programme Update

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   November 2023

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/06/2022


Treasury Management Mid Year update 2023-24

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   November 2023

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023


Gateway 3 - Variation Approval: Waste PFI Contract, Roll-Out of Separate Food Waste Collections

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   July 2024

    Lead officer:  Toni Ainge

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023


Council tax base 2024-25 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   December 2023

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


School Standards Report 2022-2023 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   December 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Corporate Parenting Annual Report 2022-23 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   January 2024

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


HRA Indicative Rent and Charges report 2024-25

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   December 2023

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/06/2023


Addition to the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan – Resilience and Adaptation

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   February 2024

    Lead officer:  Caroline Bruce

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/06/2023


National non-domestic rates write offs over £50,000

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   December 2023

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023


Medium Term Financial Strategy and Capital Update New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   December 2023

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Approval of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) rents and charges

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   January 2024

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/06/2023


Policy and Resources: Revenue monitoring report 2023-24

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   January 2024

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/03/2023


Policy and Resources: Capital monitoring report 2023-24

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   January 2024

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/03/2023


Policy and Resources Strategy: 2024-25 Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) New!

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   February 2024

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Setting the council tax 2024-25 New!

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   February 2024

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Policy and Resources Strategy Report: MTFS update and 2024-25 General Fund Budget Proposals New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   February 2024

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Treasury Management Strategy 2024-25

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   February 2024

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023

Part 2: The following matters will be decided by individual cabinet members in accordance with part 3D (Matters referred to individual cabinet members for decision) of the Southwark Constitution


Thriving High Streets Fund (Part 2)

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Jobs, Skills and Business

    Decision:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Nazmin Yeahia

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023


Walworth Streets for People - Amelia Street, Alberta Street and Chapter Road Pocket Parks

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency, Clean Air and Streets

    Decision due:   December 2023

    Lead officer:  Caroline Bruce

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/06/2023


Latin American weight management programme grant fund

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/06/2023


Update of the Southwark Tenancy Strategy and Southwark Council Tenancy Policy

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Council Homes 2022-23

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Michael Scorer

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/06/2023


Common Purpose Grants

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Communities, Democracy and Finance May - Jul 2023

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Caroline Bruce

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/06/2023


Ann Bernadt Nursery School Consultation New!

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    Decision maker:  Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Refugees

    Decision:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  Georgia Pritchard

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Continued funding of the Nest’s In-reach service to school communities in Southwark New!

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    Decision maker:  Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Refugees

    Decision:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Suzanne Green

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Implementation of School Streets New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency, Clean Air and Streets

    Decision:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  Dale Foden

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) switch off by BT Openreach 2025

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Communities, Equalities and Finance

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/05/2023


National non-domestic rates write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Communities, Equalities and Finance

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/03/2023


Former tenant arrears write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Communities, Equalities and Finance

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/03/2023


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Communities, Equalities and Finance

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/03/2023


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Communities, Equalities and Finance

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/03/2023


GW2 The Charter School East Dulwich phase 2 construction contract stage 2

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision:   November 2023

    Lead officer:  Claire Boadu

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/11/2022


Charlotte Sharman Primary School and St Jude's Primary School Consultation New!

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    Decision maker:  Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Refugees

    Decision due:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Comber Grove Primary School Consultation New!

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    Decision maker:  Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Refugees

    Decision:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


St Mary Magdalene Primary School Consultation New!

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    Decision maker:  Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Refugees

    Decision due:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  Ric Euteneuer

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Winter of Food and Fun 2023 holiday programme grant recommendations New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Homes, Communities & Finance, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing

    Decision due:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Gateway 0: SEND Buses

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    Decision maker:  Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Refugees

    Decision due:   November 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/09/2022


Proposal for a community partner grant programme to support delivery of the Sustainable Food Strategy

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing

    Decision:   November 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023


Gateway 2 - Lift Maintenance, Refurbishments and Replacement

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Council Homes and Homelessness

    Decision due:   November 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/12/2022


Client contributions debt write-off (£5k to £50k)

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing

    Decision:   November 2023

    Lead officer:  Deborah Greenwood

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/03/2023


Rent arrears write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Communities, Democracy and Finance May - Jul 2023

    Decision due:   January 2024

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Communities, Democracy & Finance

    Decision:   December 2023

    Lead officer:  Charlotte Crane

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Communities, Democracy & Finance

    Decision:   December 2023

    Lead officer:  Charlotte Crane

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023


National non-domestic rates write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Communities, Democracy and Finance May - Jul 2023

    Decision due:   January 2024

    Lead officer:  Clive Palfreyman

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023


Positive Futures for Young People Fund 2024-26 allocations

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    Decision maker:  Leader of the Council

    Decision:   Not before 19 Dec 2023

    Lead officer:  Eva Gomez

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/05/2023


London Councils pan London grants programme 2024-25: Southwark levy

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Communities, Democracy & Finance

    Decision:   Not before 26 Feb 2024

    Lead officer:  Andrew Matheson

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/06/2023


Client contributions debt write-off (£5k to £50k)

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing

    Decision:   February 2024

    Lead officer:  Deborah Greenwood

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023

Part 3: The following matters will be decided under delegated authority by chief officers in accordance with the Southwark Constitution


Gateway 2 - Contract award approval: CCTV upgrade

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision:   November 2023

    Originally due:   31 Oct 2023

    Lead officer:  Caroline Bruce

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023


Gateway 2 - 66 Linden Grove Main Work Contractor Appointment

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Michael Scorer

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023


Gateway 2-Ledbury Estate Development RIBA 3+/4A Architect Appointment

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   November 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023


GW2 Group Exercise Equipment Purchase Contract New!

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Caroline Bruce

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Gateway 3 - Variation Approval: Communal ventilation repairs and replacements

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/03/2023


Gateway 3 - Variation Decision - Door Entry and Warden Call Contract

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance

    Decision:   Not before 21 Nov 2023

    Lead officer:  Dave Hodgson

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/03/2023


GW3 - Flaxyard Variation Decision for variation valued over £500,000 (Works)

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Michael Scorer

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/02/2023


Gateway 3 - Variation Decision Copeland Road Car Park works Contract

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Michael Scorer

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/05/2023


Gateway 3 – Variation Decision Albion and Renforth – Deed of Variation to the Main works contract

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Michael Scorer

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2023


Gateway 3 - Variation to Works Contract valued over £500,000 (Works) - Rye Hill

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance

    Decision:   December 2023

    Lead officer:  Nannette Sakyi

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/06/2023


Gateway 2 Contract Award for South Dock Marina Boatyard Crane New!

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   July 2024

    Lead officer:  Toni Ainge

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Gateway 3 Contract Extension 16+ Support and resettlement service contract South - Salvation Army New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Gateway 1 - Access UK LTD (Mosaic) Annual Licence and Hosting, Additional Functionality and Services New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Gateway 2 Contract Award Approval Access UK LTD (Mosaic) Annual Licence, Maintenance and Hosting New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


GW3 Goshen (Harold Moody & Prout House) Variation Decision for variation valued over £500,000 (Works) New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance

    Decision due:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  Michael Scorer

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


GW2 Contract Award Approval for Construction works at Riverside Primary School

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision:   September 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/06/2023


Gateway 2 Contract Award for Greenland Dock Electrical Works New!

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   July 2024

    Lead officer:  Toni Ainge

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


GW1 Reproductive sexual health in pharmacies New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   November 2023

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Approval of Councils Generic Emergency plan New!

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    Decision maker:  Chief Executive

    Decision due:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  Stephen Gaskell

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023


Polling district and polling station review

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    Decision maker:  Chief Executive

    Decision due:   October 2023

    Lead officer:  Doreen Forrester-Brown

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/06/2023


GW2 Contract Award Approval for the Construction of Beormund Primary School

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   March 2024

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/03/2023


GW3 - Meeting House Lane Variation Decision for variation valued over £500,000 (Works)

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing

    Decision due:   September 2024

    Lead officer:  Hakeem Osinaike

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/02/2023

Part 4: The following matters will be decided by multi-ward area forums in accordance with the Southwark Consitution