Forward plan

Forward Plan October 2015  (01/10/2015 to 30/09/2016, Leader of the Council)

Plan items
No. Item

Part 1: The following matters will be considered by the full cabinet under Southwark Council's constitution


Disposal of Long Leasehold interest - Welch House, 94-116 Southwark Park Road, SE16 3RR New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


11,000 new council homes - results of consultation on design, neighbourhoods and where to build New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


Elephant and Castle Place-Making: The Next Step New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


Disposal of freehold interest, 66 and 68 Ambergate Street, SE17

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


Disposal of various empty void housing properties at auction New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


The Charter School East Dulwich New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


Canada Water regeneration

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/07/2015


Gateway 1: Southwark regeneration in partnership development partner procurement approach

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/04/2015


Diversity standard

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   February 2016

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/03/2015


Delivering an effective temporary accommodation housing supply - creating a joint venture company

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/05/2015


Gateway 2: Supply of Gas to all Southwark Council sites including operational, housings and schools

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Deborah Collins

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


Gateway 2: Supply of Electricity to all Southwark Council sites including operational, housing and schools

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Deborah Collins

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


Charging for blue badges

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Adult Care and Financial Inclusion

    Decision:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


Gateway 1: Asbestos Consultancy Services Contract A – surveying and bulk sampling and Asbestos Consultancy Services Contract B – air sampling and monitoring

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


Better Placed Joint Committee with LB Lambeth and LB Lewisham

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


Aylesbury Regeneration - Amersham site (Plot 18) redevelopment

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


New Southwark Plan

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


Gateway 1: Procurement Strategy Approval - Commercial Fleet

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Deborah Collins

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


School Standards Report 2015

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


Southwark Housing Asset Management Strategy and Programmes

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


Gateway 2: Major works contractor framework

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2014


Gateway 1: Procurement strategy approval - Walworth Town Hall construction procurement strategy New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   September 2016

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


Canada Water revised area action plan

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


Quarterly Revenue Monitoring Report Q2, including treasury management 2015/16

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/10/2014


Quarterly Capital Monitoring Report Q2 2015/16

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/10/2014


Treasury management - mid year update 2015/16

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/10/2014


National non-domestic rates write offs over £50,000 November 2015

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/10/2014


Licensing Act 2003 - Southwark statement of licensing policy 2015-2020

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Deborah Collins

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/07/2015


London Councils grants levy 2016/17 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


Joint mental health strategy

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2014


Gateway 2: Nursing care contract award

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Policy and resources strategy 2016/17 - 2018/19: provisional settlement

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Originally due:   31 Dec 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/12/2014


Indicative housing revenue account budget and rent setting - 2016/17

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/12/2014


Council tax base 2016/17 and NNDR bases

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   January 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/12/2014


Approval of the housing revenue account budget 2016/17 and rent setting

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   January 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/12/2014


Policy and resources strategy 2016/17 - 2018/19: revenue budget

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet, Council Assembly

    Decision due:   February 2016

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/12/2014


Quarterly capital monitoring report Q3, including capital programme update - 2015/16

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   February 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Quarterly revenue monitoring report Q3, including treasury management - 2015/16

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   February 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Treasury management strategy 2016/17 including annual investment strategy, prudential indicators and annual minimum revenue provision statement

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   February 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Setting the council tax 2016/17

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   February 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


National non-domestic rates write offs over £50,000 - February 2016

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   February 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - Southwark regeneration in partnership programme development partner

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   November 2016

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/04/2015


Capital monitoring report outturn 2015/16 and capital programme refresh 2016/17

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   July 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2015


Revenue monitoring report outturn including treasury management 2015/16 - June 2016

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   July 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2015


National non-domestic rates write-offs over £50,000

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   July 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Treasury management performance - 2015/16 annual report and prudential indicators

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   July 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/07/2015


National non-domestic rates (NNDR) write offs over £50,000 - September 2017 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   December 2017

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


Revenue monitoring report, including treasury management 2016/17 - September 2016 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   September 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


Capital monitoring report, including capital programme update 2016/17 - September 2016 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   September 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015

Part 2: The following matters will be decided by individual cabinet members in accordance with part 3D (Matters referred to individual cabinet members for decision) of the Southwark Constitution


Kipling Garages, Weston Street, SE1 - funding agreement

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    Decision maker:  Leader of the Council

    Decision due:   July 2016

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/04/2015


Southwark's shopping parade capital programme 2014-2018

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Regeneration and New Homes

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Originally due:   30 Nov 2015

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Redraft Awaited

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/05/2015


Joint Security Initiative (JSI) Award of Grants

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing 2014-16

    Decision:   September 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/05/2015


Award of grants under The High Street Challenge Round 3 - Further Development Group

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    Decision maker:  Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Business, Employment and Culture

    Decision:   September 2015

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/07/2015


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 October 2015

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/10/2014


Secure Cycle Parking (Bike Hangar)

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Environment and the Public Realm

    Decision:   June 2016

    Lead officer:  Deborah Collins

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 October 2015

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/10/2014


Winter Pressures Grant New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Adult Care and Financial Inclusion

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


North Dulwich and Denmark Hill Parking Study, Consultation Results

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Environment and the Public Realm

    Decision:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Deborah Collins

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/03/2015


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 November 2015 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


Canada Water (including Southwark Park) controlled parking zone study

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Environment and the Public Realm

    Decision:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  Deborah Collins

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/03/2015


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - rehabilitation service for people with learning disabilities and/or autism - Part 2

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Adult Care and Financial Inclusion

    Decision due:   October 2016

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/05/2015


Events Service 16/17 fees and charges New!

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    Decision maker:  Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Business, Employment and Culture

    Decision due:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Deborah Collins

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


Film office 16/17 fees and charges New!

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    Decision maker:  Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Business, Employment and Culture

    Decision due:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Deborah Collins

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


National non-domestic rates write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 November 2015

    • Share this item

    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Council Tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 November 2015

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/10/2014


Community Capacity and Environment and Ecology Commissioning Programme 2016/17 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Communities, Safety and Leisure

    Decision:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - December 2015

    • Share this item

    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/12/2014


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - December 2015

    • Share this item

    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/12/2014


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - January 2016 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   January 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - January 2016

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   January 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/12/2014


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - February 2016 New!

    • Share this item

    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   February 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


National non-domestic rates write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - February 2016

    • Share this item

    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   February 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - February 2016

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   February 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Contract awards - community advice services 2016 - 19

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Communities, Safety and Leisure

    Decision due:   February 2016

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - March 2016

    • Share this item

    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   March 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/03/2015


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - March 2016

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   March 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/03/2015


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - April 2016 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   April 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - April 2016

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   April 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/04/2015


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - May 2016 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   May 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - May 2016

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   May 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/05/2015


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - June 2016 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   June 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


National non-domestic rates write offs over £50,000 - June 2016

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   June 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2015


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - June 2016

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   June 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2015


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - July 2016

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   July 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/07/2015


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - August 2016 New!

    • Share this item

    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   August 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - August 2016

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   August 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - September 2016 New!

    • Share this item

    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   September 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


National non-domestic rates write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - September 2016 New!

    • Share this item

    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision:   September 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - September 2016 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision due:   September 2016

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2015

Part 3: The following matters will be decided under delegated authority by chief officers in accordance with the Southwark Constitution


Gateway 2: Night owls

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision:   September 2015

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/05/2015


Gateway 2: Park Street warm, dry, safe

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Hayles Buildings & Albert Barnes warm, dry, safe

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing

    Decision:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Contract Award: Cremators: Honor Oak Crematorium - Installation of new cremators, ancillary equipment and associated building works

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Sustainability and Leisure

    Decision:   October 2015

    Originally due:   30 Sep 2015

    Lead officer:  Deborah Collins

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/12/2014


Gateway 2: Contract Award: Professional services (Architects) for the delivery of new council homes

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


Gateway 2: Contract Award: Professional Services (Employers of Agents) for the delivery of new council homes

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing

    Decision due:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2015


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - Robert Browning Primary School works - main contract

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - Charles Dickens Primary School works - main contract

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - Keyworth Primary School works - main contract

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   March 2016

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - Grange Primary School works - main contract

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - Phoenix Primary School works - main contract

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   March 2016

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/03/2015


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - Redriff Primary School works - main contract

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   October 2017

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - Bellenden Primary School works - main contract

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - For refurbishment and planned maintenance works at Ivydale Primary School

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision:   May 2016

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - The Belham Free School works

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - Albion Primary School expansion works - main contract

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - Cherry Garden Special Needs School expansion works

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   February 2016

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 3: Asbestos Surveying and Bulk Sampling Consultancy Services (Contract A - surveying and Core Sampling & Contract B - air sampling and monitoring)

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Governance

    Decision:   October 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/03/2015


Gateway 2: Proposed Replacement Crossway Church, Hampton Street, SE1 - Appointment of Contractor for Stage 2 (Main Works)

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    Decision maker:  Chief Executive

    Decision:   September 2015

    Originally due:   31 Oct 2015

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/07/2015


Gateway 2: Lant, Marshalsea, Dodson and Amigo warm, dry, safe

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing

    Decision:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Rochester & Borough Road warm, dry, safe

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing

    Decision:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Haddonhall warm, dry, safe

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing

    Decision:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2015


Gateway 2: Adaptation works and repairs contract

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing

    Decision due:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/05/2015


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - For the refurbishment of 46 Half Moon Lane (Holmhurst) to provide accommodation for adults with learning disabilities and / or autism

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/05/2015


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - consolidated repairs and maintenance services contract for the council's operational estate

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Governance

    Decision:   Before 24 Mar 2016; To comply with the requirements of overview and scrutiny procedure rule 25.4 - decison to be reconsidered within seven working days.

    Originally due:   29 Feb 2016

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 2: Contract award approval for the refurbishment of 19 Orient Street to create a centre of excellence for short breaks and respite care for children and adults with learning disability/autism

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision:   October 2016

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/07/2014

Part 4: The following matters will be decided by community councils in accordance with the Southwark Constitution


Neighbourhood Fund Bermondsey and Rotherhithe 2016/17

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    Decision maker:  Bermondsey and Rotherhithe Community Council

    Decision due:   March 2016

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/04/2015


Neighbourhood Fund Borough, Bankside and Walworth 2016/17

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    Decision maker:  Borough, Bankside and Walworth Community Council

    Decision due:   March 2016

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/04/2015


Neighbourhood Fund Camberwell 2016/17

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    Decision maker:  Camberwell Community Council

    Decision due:   March 2016

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/04/2015


Neighbourhood Fund Dulwich 2016/17

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    Decision maker:  Dulwich Community Council

    Decision due:   March 2016

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/04/2015


Neighbourhood Fund Peckham and Nunhead 2016/17

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    Decision maker:  Peckham and Nunhead Community Council

    Decision due:   March 2016

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/04/2015