Forward plan

Forward Plan March 2014  (01/03/2014 to 28/02/2015, Leader of the Council)

Plan items
No. Item

Part 1: The following matters will be considered by the full cabinet under Southwark Council's constitution


Home ownership, voluntary disposals and non-statutory acquisitions New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   18 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Asset management strategy New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   June 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott


Shared equity - an additional rehousing route for homeowners affected by regeneration New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   18 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Quarterly capital monitoring report Q3, including a capital programme refresh - March 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   18 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Proposals for Peckham town centre regeneration

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   18 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly


Land at Peckham Rye station

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   18 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly


Phase 1b and 1c Aylesbury regeneration

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   18 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


School places strategy

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   18 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Gateway 1: Procurement strategy approval - directly funded housing delivery phase 2

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   18 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Disposal of 23 Harper Road

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   18 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Walworth Town Hall: The way forward

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   18 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Gateway 1: Consolidated repairs and maintenance services contract for the council's operational estate

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   18 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Gateway 2: Nursing care contract award

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   December 2015

    Lead officer:  David Quirke-Thornton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Joint carers strategy

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   18 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Better care fund

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   18 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen


Gateway 1: Heating and water contract

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   July 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Quarterly capital monitoring report outturn and capital programme refresh - June 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   June 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - consolidated repairs and maintenance services contract for the council's operational estate

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Governance

    Decision:   Before 24 Mar 2016; To comply with the requirements of overview and scrutiny procedure rule 25.4 - decison to be reconsidered within seven working days.

    Originally due:   29 Feb 2016

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Quarterly revenue monitoring report outturn, including treasury management - June 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   22 Jul 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 10/07/2014


National non-domestic rates write-offs over £50,000 - June 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   June 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Gateway 2: Lift maintenance contract

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   July 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Treasury management performance - 2013/14 annual report and prudential indicators

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision:   July 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Quarterly capital monitoring report Q1 - September 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   September 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Quarterly revenue monitoring report Q1, including treasury management - September 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   September 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


National non-domestic rates write offs over £50,000 - September 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   September 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Policy and resources strategy 2015/16 to 2017/18: scene setting report

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Treasury management - mid-year update 2014/15

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   November 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Quarterly revenue monitoring report Q2, including treasury management - November 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   November 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Quarterly capital monitoring report Q2 - November 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   November 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


National non-domestic rates write-offs over £50,000 - November 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   November 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Policy and resources strategy 2015/16 - 2017/18: provisional settlement

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   December 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Indicative housing revenue account budget and rent setting 2015/16

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   December 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Local council tax support scheme 2015-16

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet, Council Assembly

    Decision due:   February 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Policy and resources strategy 2015/16 - 2017/18 - revenue budget

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   January 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Approval of the housing revenue account budget 2015/16 and rent setting

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   January 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Council tax base and National Non Domestic Rate base 2015/16

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   January 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Treasury management strategy 2015/16 including annual investment strategy, prudential indicators and annual minimum revenue provision statement New!

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   February 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Quarterly capital monitoring report Q3, including capital programme refresh - February 2014 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   February 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Policy and resources strategy 2015/16 to 2017/18 - revenue budget New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet, Council Assembly

    Decision due:   February 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Information Only

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Setting the council tax 2015-16 New!

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   February 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Quarterly revenue monitoring report Q3, including treasury management - February 2014 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   February 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


National non-domestic rates write-offs over £50,000 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   February 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014

Part 2: The following matters will be decided by individual cabinet members in accordance with part 3D (Matters referred to individual cabinet members for decision) of the Southwark Constitution


Public access to Cathedral Square New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport, Environment and Recycling

    Decision due:   Between 1 Mar 2014 and 31 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Deborah Collins


Registrars and citizenship fees and charges 2014/15 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Strategy and Performance

    Decision:   June 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 3: Professional technical services contract New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Corporate Services

    Decision:   Not before 28 Apr 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


The High Street Challenge Round One Grant Awards New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Communities and Economic Wellbeing

    Decision:   April 2014

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Homelessness prevention and eviction procedure/ protocol New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing 2014-16

    Decision:   July 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 1&2: External solicitors panel

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Community Safety

    Decision:   Between 1 Mar 2014 and 31 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Tenant fund 2014/15

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    Decision maker:  Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing Management

    Decision:   March 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Commissioning youth provision 2014/15

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Children's Services

    Decision:   Between 1 Mar 2014 and 31 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Joint security initiative

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing 2014-16

    Decision:   August 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


School admission arrangements 2015/16

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Children's Services

    Decision:   Between 1 Mar 2014 and 31 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 March 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Community Safety

    Decision:   Between 1 Mar 2014 and 31 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 March 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Community Safety

    Decision due:   Between 1 Mar 2014 and 31 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 April 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Community Safety

    Decision due:   April 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 May 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Community Safety

    Decision due:   May 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


National non-domestic rates write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 June 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Community Safety

    Decision due:   June 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 June 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Community Safety

    Decision due:   June 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 July 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Community Safety

    Decision due:   July 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 July 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Strategy and Performance

    Decision due:   July 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 August 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Strategy and Performance

    Decision:   August 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 2: Asbestos removal contract

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing 2014-16

    Decision:   October 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


National non-domestic rates write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 September 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Strategy and Performance

    Decision due:   September 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 September 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Strategy and Performance

    Decision due:   September 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 October 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Strategy and Performance

    Decision due:   October 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 October 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Strategy and Performance

    Decision due:   October 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 November 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Strategy and Performance

    Decision due:   November 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


National non-domestic rates write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 November 2015

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance

    Decision:   November 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 December 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Strategy and Performance

    Decision due:   December 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Housing benefit overpayment write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 December 2014

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Strategy and Performance

    Decision due:   December 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - January 2015

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Strategy and Performance

    Decision due:   January 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


National non-domestic rates write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - February 2015 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Strategy and Performance

    Decision due:   February 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Council tax write offs over £5,000 and under £50,000 - February 2015 New!

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance, Strategy and Performance

    Decision due:   February 2015

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014

Part 3: The following matters will be decided under delegated authority by chief officers in accordance with the Southwark Constitution


Gateway 1: Quality auditing of mechanical services New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision due:   July 2014

    Originally due:   30 Jun 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 2: Newington Warm Dry Safe 2013/14 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   April 2014

    Originally due:   31 May 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Gateway 2: Nelson Square Gardens and Gaywood Warm Dry Safe 2013/14 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   April 2014

    Originally due:   31 May 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Gateway 2: Rushworth, Boyfield and Lancaster Warm Dry Safe 2013/14 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   July 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 2: Fire risk assessment, fire precaution and remedial work to the council's operational estate

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Corporate Services

    Decision due:   Between 1 Mar 2014 and 31 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Gateway 3: Variation to consolidated facilities management contract for 160 Tooley Street to include further operational buildings

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Corporate Services

    Decision due:   Between 1 Mar 2014 and 31 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Gateway 3: Variation to the consolidated facilities management contract for 160 Tooley Street to include consolidated soft services for the operational estate

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Corporate Services

    Decision due:   Between 1 Mar 2014 and 31 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Gateway 2: Appointment of contractor to build Nunhead Community Centre

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    Decision maker:  Chief Executive

    Decision:   Not before 28 Apr 2014

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Gateway 2: Expansion of Dulwich Wood Primary School, formerly Langbourne Primary School

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision:   May 2014

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/05/2014


Gateway 2: Contract award - Gilesmead heating renewal replacement of communal heating & hot water installation

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   May 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Gateway 2: Scovell and Tabard Warm Dry Safe 2013/14 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   August 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 2: Congreve, Comus and Salisbury Warm Dry Safe 2013/14 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   August 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 2: Kinglake Warm Dry Safe 2013/14 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   July 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 2: Alvey, Mardyke and Naylor Warm Dry Safe 2014/15 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   October 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 2: Doddington Grove Warm Dry Safe 2014/15 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   October 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 2: Penrose and Nelson Warm Dry Safe 2014/15 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   November 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 2: Building related compliance audit and inspection New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Corporate Services

    Decision due:   June 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Gateway 2: Portland Estate Warm Dry Safe 2014/15 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision due:   September 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott


Gateway 2: Rockingham East and Quentin Warm Dry Safe 2014/15 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   January 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 2: Rockingham West Warm Dry Safe 2014/15 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   February 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 2: Tabard North Warm Dry Safe 2014/15 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   February 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 2: Tabard Central Warm Dry Safe 2014/15 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   January 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 2: Tabard South Warm Dry Safe 2014/15 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   January 2015

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014


Gateway 2: Periodic electrical installation testing and remedial works contract

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision:   August 2014

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014