Forward plan

Forward Plan January 2010 to April 2010  (01/01/2010 to 30/04/2010, Leader of the Council)

Plan items
No. Item

Part 1: The following matters will be considered by the full executive under Southwark Council's constitution


Heygate rehousing: compulsory purchase order New!

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Chief Executive

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Health inequalities strategy

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Susanna White

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Capital monitoring report Q2

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision due:   January 2010

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Revenue budget final outturn report 2008/09

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Quarterly revenue monitoring report Q1 and Q2

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision due:   January 2010

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)


Southwark CCTV strategy

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Gateway 1: Architect and lead consultant framework agreement

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Half year business report

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision:   January 2010

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Housing revenue account rent setting 2010-11

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision due:   January 2010

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)


The council tax base 2010-11

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   January 2010

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Policy and resources strategy 2010/11 - 2012/13 - revenue budget

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Children and young people plan New!

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision:   March 2010

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Resolution to make a compulsory purchase order: Phase 1 Aylesbury Estate New!

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Richard Rawes

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Maydew House investment options New!

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision due:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Richard Rawes


Wooddene development at Peckham Road

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Richard Rawes

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Elmington Sites A and B, Edmund Street, Camberwell

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision due:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Richard Rawes


Gateway 2: Advice and legal services Programme 2010-13

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Citizenship, Equalities and Communities

    Decision:   Not before 25 Mar 2010

    Lead officer:  Deborah Collins

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Sacred Heart Roman Catholic secondary school: enlargement in size and addition of special educational needs (SEN) unit

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Setting the council tax 2010-11

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Treasury management strategy, investment strategy and prudential indicators

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Elephant and Castle - regeneration agreement New!

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision:   March 2010

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Cherry Garden School - increase in size

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   11 Dec 2012

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen


Gateway 2: Evaluation of best and final offer for the MUSCo

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision:   January 2011

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Tackling underoccupation in social housing

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision due:   March 2010

    Lead officer:  Richard Rawes


Quarterly revenue monitoring report Q3

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision:   March 2010

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Gateway 2: Housing management major works procurement

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision due:   March 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 1: Building surveying sub-consultancy services framework agreement

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   March 2011

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Common housing register and partnership agreement - outline proposals

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision:   March 2010

    Lead officer:  Richard Rawes

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Gateway 1: Bundled repairs and maintenance contract (non-housing estate)

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision due:   March 2010

    Lead officer:  Richard Rawes


Gateway 1: Consolidated repairs and maintenance services contract for the council's operational estate

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   18 Mar 2014

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Accessible transport strategy

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision:   June 2010

    Lead officer:  Richard Rawes

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Mid-Elmington Regeneration Programme New!

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision:   July 2010

    Lead officer:  Richard Rawes

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Treasury management performance and prudential indicators

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    Decision maker:  Council Assembly

    Decision due:   July 2010

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Gateway 2: Bundled projects contract (non-housing estate)

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    Decision maker:  Executive

    Decision due:   October 2010

    Lead officer:  Richard Rawes


Gateway 2: Contract award approval - consolidated repairs and maintenance services contract for the council's operational estate

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Governance

    Decision:   Before 24 Mar 2016; To comply with the requirements of overview and scrutiny procedure rule 25.4 - decison to be reconsidered within seven working days.

    Originally due:   29 Feb 2016

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/06/2014

Part 2: The following matters will be decided by individual Executive Members in accordance with part 3D (Matters referred to individual Executive Members for decision) of the Southwark Constitution


South Dock Marina

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Environment

    Decision:   December 2009

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Children's services fees and charges 2010-11

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Children's Services

    Decision due:   March 2010

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen


Fees and charges increases within the library service for 2010-11

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Sport

    Decision:   December 2009

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Fees and charges increases within the culture service for 2010-11

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Sport

    Decision:   Not before 4 Mar 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Cherry Garden School outcome of initial consultation New!

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    Decision maker:  Leader of the Council

    Decision:   Not before 15 Mar 2010

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Highway capital investment programme New!

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Environment

    Decision:   Not before 29 Mar 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Fees and charges increases within the film service for 2010-11 New!

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Sport

    Decision:   Not before 2 Mar 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Borough-wide tree strategy - draft for consultation

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport, Environment and Recycling

    Decision:   October 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Care Quality Commission inspection report and action plan

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care

    Decision due:   June 2010

    Lead officer:  Susanna White


Gateway 2: Contract award: car lease hire for council employees

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   October 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies

    Decision status:  Information Only


Fees and charges increases within the public realm services for 2010-11

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Environment

    Decision:   January 2010

    Originally due:   18 Jan 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Fees and charges increases within the sustainable services for 2010-11

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Environment

    Decision:   January 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Fees and charges increases within adult learning service for 2010-11

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Children's Services

    Decision:   Not before 1 Mar 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Fees and charges increase within the community safety and enforcement services 2010-11

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Community Safety

    Decision:   Not before 23 Feb 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Gateway 2: Contract award approval for the Lewisham and Southwark Supporting People Framework

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Health and Adult Care

    Decision:   Not before 22 Mar 2010

    Lead officer:  Susanna White

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Early years (community nurseries) voluntary and community sector grant funding programme 2010/11 and commissioning plan

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Children's Services

    Decision:   Not before 29 Mar 2010

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Early years single funding formula

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Children's Services

    Decision due:   January 2010

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen


Community support voluntary sector commissioning programme 2010-11 New!

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Citizenship, Equalities and Communities

    Decision due:   March 2010

    Lead officer:  Deborah Collins


Asset Management Plan Update 2009

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    Decision maker:  Executive Member for Resources

    Decision due:   July 2010

    Lead officer:  Richard Rawes

    Decision status:  Information Only


Setting fees and charges within the street markets for 2010-11

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport, Environment and Recycling

    Decision:   August 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Lyndhurst Primary School - enlargement in size New!

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    Decision maker:  Leader of the Council

    Decision:   Not before 15 Mar 2010

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

Part 3: The following matters will be decided under delegated authority by chief officers in accordance with the Southwark Constitution


Gateway 3 report: Fire safety

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Corporate Services

    Decision:   December 2009

    Lead officer:  Deborah Collins

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Nunhead and Peckham Rye: Brenchley Gardens, Peckham Rye

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   December 2009

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 2: Contract award: Grosvenor remedials

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   December 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 3: Housing electrical contract

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   September 2010

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Gateway 2: Children's residential care tender

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen


Gateway 3: Variation to existing Serco contract to include revenues and benefits IT support and systems when the services is taken in-house April 2011 New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Corporate Services

    Decision due:   March 2010

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly


Gateway 1: Local authority new build project - Lindley Estate New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods

    Decision due:   March 2010

    Lead officer:  Richard Rawes


Gateway 1: Local authority new build project - Brayards Road New!

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods

    Decision due:   March 2010

    Lead officer:  Richard Rawes


Gateway 2: Contract award approval: Newington Estate replacement of primary and secondary heating mains

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision due:   March 2011

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott


Modular management agreement (MMA) with Two Towers Housing Co-operative

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Housing and Community Services

    Decision due:   February 2011

    Lead officer:  Gerri Scott

    Decision status:  Information Only


Gateway 2: Contract award approval: Gumboots Nursery

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision due:   January 2010

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen


Gateway 1: Approval of procurement strategy: Housing electrical contract

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   June 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 2: Contract award for procurement strategy approval for phase 1 primaries - ICT procurement for Michael Faraday School

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Corporate Services

    Decision due:   July 2010

    Lead officer:  Duncan Whitfield


Gateway 1: Approval of procurement strategy: Safety and security

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   June 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 1&2: Local education partnership technical services

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Corporate Services

    Decision due:   September 2010

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen


Gateway 1: Extra care (Lew Evans and Lime Tree House)

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Health and Community Services

    Decision due:   March 2010

    Lead officer:  Susanna White


Gateway 1: Low carbon zone group repair scheme

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods

    Decision due:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Richard Rawes


Gateway 2: Contract award: Lift package 45 (Engineering services)

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   September 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 2: Contract award: Lift package 43 (Engineering services)

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   September 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 2: Contract award: Lift package 46 (Engineering services)

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   September 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 2: Contract award: Lift package 42 (Engineering services)

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   September 2010

    Originally due:   31 Oct 2009

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Marden Square security works

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   March 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Nunhead and Peckham Rye: Cossall Walk, Nunhead

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   September 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 3: Safety and security

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Corporate Services

    Decision due:   September 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 2: Contract award: St Saviours Estate refurbishment phase 1b (Bermondsey area)

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   February 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 2: Contract award: Pilgrim House major refurbishment (Borough and Bankside area)

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   January 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 1: Building services sub consultancy services framework agreement

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Corporate Services

    Decision due:   June 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 1: Construction Design Management Co-ordinator Sub-consultancy Services Framework Agreement

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Finance and Corporate Services

    Decision due:   June 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 2: Contract award approval for Southwark Park phase 2

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    Decision maker:  Strategic Director of Children and Adult Services

    Decision:   April 2010

    Lead officer:  Romi Bowen

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Gateway 2: Contract award: Lettsome Sheltered Housing Unit (SHU) conversion

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   June 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 2 - Award of Contract: East Peckham Renewal Area Group Repair Scheme

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    Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Corporate Strategy (to Mar 2012)

    Decision:   May 2011

    Originally due:   20 Apr 2011

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly

    Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Gateway 2: Contract award for the lead consultant for the Burgess Park revitalise project

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   June 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies


Gateway 2: Local authority new build project - Brayards Road New!

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    Decision maker:  Deputy Chief Executive

    Decision due:   December 2010

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly


Gateway 2: Local authority new build project - Lindley Estate New!

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    Decision maker:  Deputy Chief Executive

    Decision due:   December 2010

    Lead officer:  Eleanor Kelly


Gateway 1: Procurement Strategy approval: Tender for main contractor for the Chumleigh Cafe relocation scheme

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    Decision maker:  Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

    Decision due:   July 2010

    Lead officer:  Gill Davies