Issue details

Minor Traffic Scheme 2021/22 Batch 2

That the non-strategic traffic and highway improvements and complementary streetspace measures, detailed in the appendices to this report and summarized in Table 1, be approved for implementation subject to the outcome of any necessary statutory consultation and procedures.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/06/2021

Community: (All Communities);

Open/Closed: Open;

Decision due: July 2021 by Cabinet Member for Leisure, Parks, Streets and Clean Air

Lead member: Councillor Catherine Rose

Lead director: Acting Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

Department: Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth

Contact: Caroline Bruce, Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth Email:

Making Representations: Dale Foden 020 7525 2045

