Issue details

Walworth Town Hall - Vision for the rebuilt Town Hall

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 16 Jul 2013 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Richard Livingstone

Department: Chief Executive's Department

Contact: Jon Abbott, Head of Sustainable Growth Email:

Reason why it was impracticable for decision to be on the Forward Plan: A decision on the lead department and the timetable for the regeneration of the building has only been vey recently agreed and therefore it has not been possible to include this report on the forward plan

Reason why the decision cannot wait for inclusion in the next Forward Plan: The safe guarding of the structure and the subsequent archaeological assessment of the damaged building is on-going. Once complete, responsibility of the building will be passed to the regeneration division within the Chief Executive's department. There is therefore an urgent need to agree a future direction for the use of the Town Hall before the summer. This is neccessary to minimise deterioration to the building and reduce holding costs from the ongoing management of a vacant building.


Agenda items
