That the award of the Floating Support Service for Vulnerable Adults contract to the Provider Ain the sum of £587.087. For a period of three years making a total contract value of £1,761.261 be approved.
That the joint procurement with the London Borough of Lambeth, for reasons of economy of scale and that the total contract value across the two boroughs over a period of 3 years will be £4,403,151 be noted.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Community: (All Communities);
Contact: Susanna White, Strategic Director of Health and Community Services Email:
Finance, legal and relevant stakeholders
Making Representations: Stephanie Antrobus 020 7525 2942
Scrutiny Sub-Committee: Overview & Scrutiny