
This page allows you to search:

NOTE: The "Date range" field refers to the date the decision was first listed on the forward plan, not the date the decision is taken. If you are looking for a decision and cannot find it, please change the earliest decision date to an earlier year and search again.

Please use the Search documents page for meetings held prior to May 2009. For further assistance please contact the constitutional team on 020 7525 7055 or

Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Comber Grove Primary School Consultation ref: 795006/10/202318/10/2023Call-in expired
Implementation of School Streets ref: 794704/10/202312/10/2023Call-in expired
Kitchen equipment for secondary schools ref: 794603/10/202311/10/2023Call-in expired
Thriving High Streets Fund (Part 2) ref: 794528/09/202306/10/2023Call-in expired
Elephant and Castle Town Centre - Compulsory Purchase Order27/09/2023Recommendations Approved  
St Mary Magdalene Primary School Consultation01/08/2023For Determination  
Continued funding of the Nest’s In-reach service to school communities in Southwark ref: 794426/09/202304/10/2023Call-in expired
Gateway 2 - Contract Award Approval for the Victory Community Park Landscape Construction works contract ref: 794320/09/202328/09/2023Call-in expired
Acquisition of Commercial Asset19/09/2023Recommendations Approved  
Camberwell Station Road Traffic Management Order ("TMO") ref: 794215/09/202323/09/2023Call-in expired
A Home to be Proud of - The Council's Plan for Improving its Housing Repairs Service to Tenants ref: 793412/09/202321/09/2023Call-in expired
Land for Good, the report of the 2023 Southwark Land Commission ref: 793512/09/202321/09/2023Call-in expired
Policy and Resources Strategy: Revenue Monitoring Report, Month 4 2023-24 ref: 793612/09/202321/09/2023Call-in expired
Gateway 1 - Procurement Strategy Approval: Individual Heating and Water repairs and maintenance works ref: 793712/09/202321/09/2023Call-in expired