Issue - decisions

Gateway 2 - Contracts Award Approval - Housing Major Works Contracts

26/03/2010 - Gateway 2 - Contracts Award Approval - Housing Major Works Contracts

This item was considered in conjunction with an addendum report circulated at the meeting.




1.  That approval be given for the award of contracts for major works for a period of five years in order to allow the major programme of repairs and improvements to the estates set out in paragraph 12 of the addendum report to commence. 


2.  That it be noted that the award of these contracts to allow the work on these estates is consistent with the Land Valuation Tribunal decision as all leaseholders on the estates listed in paragraph 12 of the addendum report have been fully consulted.


3.  That the final award of the contracts be delegated to the strategic director of environment and housing.


4.  That the legal advice which states there are good grounds to appeal the decision of the Leaseholders Valuation Tribunal be noted and the strategic director of communities, law & governance be instructed to lodge the appeal.


5.  That it be noted that representatives from Home Owners’ Council have been fully involved in the development of the contracts and the evaluation of the tender.  In addition Home Owners’ Council representatives will have an active role in contract management and giving feedback.


6.  Executive confirms that both tenants and leaseholders will be fully consulted and involved in drawing up the programme of works for 2012 onwards and notes that while the Land Valuation Tribunal decision stands, no works under these contracts affecting leaseholders, other than the works set out in paragraph 12 of the addendum report will proceed.