Issue - decisions

Annual parking report 2009-10 and parking enforcement protocols

17/01/2011 - Annual parking report 2009-10 and parking enforcement protocols

That the formal partnership between the local authority and the Southbank and Bankside Cultural Quarter (SBBS CQ) from January 2011, onwards be approved, subject to annual review.  This is to ensure that the borough reaps the benefits for Southwark residents and local communities through strategic and proactive working with the SBBS CQ in terms of continuing access to world class culture; driving economic development; enhancing local regeneration; and maintaining the uniqueness and international standing of the borough as a place for culture. The current membership of the SBBS CQ is listed at Appendix A. 


That the partnership with the SBBS CQ includes the London Borough of Lambeth and it is recommended that as far as possible, Southwark works jointly with Lambeth on matters affecting or involving the organisations in the SBBS CQ. The priority for the SBBS CQ and the boroughs (draft) is attached at Appendix B.


That the terms of reference be approved for the SBBS CQ as attached at Appendix C and the Council’s representation on the Directors group and working groups; for the Olympics, Learning and Participation and Creative Places and Spaces, and Advocacy be approved.