Issue - decisions

Southwark's Alcohol Strategy 2009-12

24/03/2010 - Southwark's Alcohol Strategy 2009-2012


1.  That the priorities and recommendations set out in the proposed Safer Southwark Partnership Alcohol Strategy 2010/12 (appendix 1 of the report) be noted.

2.  That the draft Alcohol Strategy key priority areas as follows be agreed:

·  Children and Young People (CYP) Recommendations include: Young people having access to a specialist substance misuse service and raising the profile of substance misuse treatment, training and education.

·  Health and Social Care Recommendations include: Ensuring that Southwark’s “Health and Inequalities Strategy 2009-20” and the Safer “Southwark Partnership Alcohol Strategy 2010-12” have a joined up approach to identify where alcohol has a significant impact on the health priorities for Southwark.

·  Crime and Community Safety: Recommendations include: Improving the information on the extent to which alcohol is a cause of crime and anti social behaviour and using the full range of new and existing powers to address alcohol related crime and anti social behaviour while ensuring that particular groups are not targeted inappropriately.