Issue - decisions

Disposal of the Council's Freehold Interest in Site C5, Grange Walk and the One Stop Shop 17 Spa Road, Bermondsey Spa

02/10/2009 -

A correction was issued in respect of this item (see supplemental agenda no.2).




1.  That the disposal of Site C5 on the principal terms set out in the closed report be approved.


2.  That the disposal of 17 Spa Road (Bermondsey One Stop Shop) on the principle terms set out in the closed report be approved subject to a further executive decision that the property is surplus to requirements.


3.  That the Head of Property be authorised to agree any variations to the terms that may be necessary to achieve the regeneration in the light of further negotiations and securing full planning consent. 


4.  That it be noted that the disposal will be conditional on surplus declarations being obtained for George Tingle House and Larnaca House.