Issue - decisions

Housing revenue account rent setting 2010-11

27/01/2010 -



1.  That approval be given to an average rent increase of 1.33% in accordance with the Government’s required formula rent guidance (see paragraphs 7 – 11 of the report).  This is equivalent to an increase of £1.06 per week on average, to be applied to all HRA dwellings (including estate voids and hostels) with effect from 5th April 2010.  Average budgeted dwelling rent for 2010-11 will be £80.60 per week.


2.  That approval be given to a freeze in tenant service charges such that each charge remains at the rate determined for 2009-10 (see paragraphs 21 – 23 of the report) with effect from 5th April 2010.


3.  That an increase in rents and charges for all non-residential property be deferred, pending a further report on the charging structure for these properties, to be brought to the executive in 2010 (see paragraphs 24 -25 of the report).  Each charge remains at the rate determined for 2009-10 with effect from 5th April 2010.


4.  That approval be given to a standstill in heating and hot water charges such that each charge remains at the rate determined for 2009-10 (see paragraphs 26 – 28 of the report) with effect from 5th April 2010.