Issue - decisions

(Report for decision from the executive)

28/01/2010 - Core Strategy

Report: See supplemental agenda 2, pages 1-45


The report had not been circulated seven clear days in advance of the meeting. The report was accepted by the Mayor as late and urgent for the reasons set out in the item, that is, to ensure that the council met the consultation and adoption timetable of its local development scheme, which required the core strategy to be published from November 2009 until February 2010 in order to invite representations prior to submission to the Secretary of State in March 2010. 


The executive member for regeneration, Councillor Paul Noblet, presented the report.


The Mayor announced that there were three amendments to the report.  He drew members attention to revised versions of Amendment A6 and Amendment A11, and also a late amendment; copies of which had been circulated around the chamber.  The Mayor also stated that Amendments A5 and A10 had been withdrawn.


Councillor Paul Bates, seconded by Councillor Chris Page, moved that the following parts of Revised Amendment A be voted on in two separate votes:


  • A1, A2, A3, A6 (revised version), A7, A9, A11 (revised version), A12 and A13


  • A4 and A8.


The procedural motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Councillor Chirs Page, seconded by Councillor Gordon Nardell, moved Revised Amendment A.


Following debate (Councillors Kim Humphreys, Nick Stanton and Richard Thomas), Councillor Paul Noblet exercised his right of reply.


Revised Amendment A parts A1, A2, A3, A6 (revised version), A7, A9, A11 (revised version), A12 and A13, were put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Revised Amendment A parts A4 and A8, were put to the vote and declared to be lost.


Councillor Ian Wingfield, seconded by Councillor Peter John, moved Amendment B.


Following debate (Councillors Kim Humphreys, Nick Stanton, Paul Noblet, James Gurling, Gordon Nardell and John Friary), Councillor Chris Page exercised his right of reply.


Amendment B was put to the vote and declared to be lost.


With the consent of the meeting Councillor James Barber changed the following in the late amendment:


·  Page 43 - London Bridge Vision - in the first line between ‘London Bridge station’ and ’where’ insert “services stations in Southwark”.


·  Page 52 - New East Dulwich vision – in second paragraph, second sentence delete ‘Herne Hill’ and insert ‘East Dulwich’.


Thereafter Councillor James Barber moved the revised late amendment, which was seconded by Councillor Richard Thomas.


Following debate (Councillor Toby Eckersley), the revised late amendment was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Following Councillor James Barbers’ right of reply the substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The clerk advised that in accordance with the budget and policy framework procedure rule 2 (g), the executive recommendation had been amended and would be treated as an in-principle decision.  The in-principle decision would be implemented after 7 working days unless the leader provides written notice that he objected within 5 working days of the decision.


The leader informed the meeting that he did not object to the decision.  Therefore the decision was declared to be implementable with immediate effect.




1.  That the comments of the planning committee, the Government Office for London and the Greater London Authority on the Core Strategy publication/submission version (appendix A) and the executive’s response to these comments as set out in the report be noted.


2.  That the Core Strategy publication/submission version (appendix A as amended by paragraphs 3 and 4, consultation plan (appendix B), consultation report (appendix C), sustainability appraisal (appendix D), equalities impact assessment (appendix E) and appropriate assessment (appendix F) be agreed.


3.  That the officer changes on the Core Strategy publication/submission version set out in the addendum report (See supplemental agenda 4) in relation to the issues below, be agreed:


·  Policy 10 - Jobs and businesses, (see supplemental agenda no. 4, paragraphs 4-6)

·  Policy 4.3 - page 97 of appendix G ‘Saved Southwark Plan policies’ (see supplemental agenda no. 4, paragraphs 7-15 )

·  Strategic Policy 6 - Homes for people on different incomes (see supplemental agenda no. 4, paragraph 15)

·  Strategic Policy 5 – Providing new homes (see supplemental agenda no. 4, paragraph 15)

·  Camberwell action area plan (see supplemental agenda no. 4, paragraph 16).


4.  That the following changes be made to the Core Strategy publication/submission version (page numbers below refer to Appendix A):


A1: Page 37 – Improving places through sustainable development


Final paragraph, delete “We are not planning any large scale growth…” to the end. 




“We will improve our other unique areas to strengthen their local characteristics (Bermondsey, Nunhead, East Dulwich, Camberwell, Herne Hill, Lordship Lane and Dulwich Village/West Dulwich).  This will include new schools, community facilities, open spaces, leisure, arts and culture, sports, health centres, youth facilities and tourist activities.”


A2:  Page 50 - Herne Hill


Delete final paragraph and insert:


“We are focusing on further improving Herne Hill with local shops and services for the surrounding residents and businesses.  As there are few development sites in Herne Hill there is little capacity for growth.  However, the Dulwich supplementary planning document will set out guidance on how to further improve Herne Hill.  The Mayor does not set us targets for Herne Hill.”


A3: Page 51 - Camberwell


Delete final paragraph and insert:


“We are focusing on improving current businesses rather than retail growth.  This may change in the future if resources become available to develop West Camberwell.  We will prepare an area action plan providing as many homes as possible, improving current businesses to create a more successful place that could have more leisure, arts and culture, sports and health centres.  The Mayor does not set us targets for Camberwell.”


A6 (revised version): Page 58 - The Tram


(New text underlined, deletions shown with a strikethrough)


Delete first bullet point, and insert:


“We would like the Cross River Tram to come to Southwark. We would like this to provide a corridor where public transport improvements are needed has been identified running from the Elephant and Castle through the Aylesbury area and north Peckham.  This was identified as a possible route for the We will work with Transport for London to bring the Cross River Tram or an alternative providing public transport for to Southwark linking the area with Waterloo, the West End, Kings Cross and Camden.  This proposal is no longer supported by the Mayor’s Transport Strategy but Southwark will continue to work with the Transport for London on identifying alternative public transport improvements to improve accessibility in these areas.  We will consider the need for safeguarding land for any such project in the Peckham and Nunhead Area Action Plan.”


A7: Page 59 - The Bakerloo line


Delete bullet point and insert:


“Our ambition is that the Bakerloo Line will be extended to considerably improve accessibility in Camberwell and Peckham.  We will support any forthcoming proposals by making appropriate land available when required. Southwark will continue to seek additional improvements to accessibility in these areas such as the proposed new station on the Thameslink line at Camberwell.”


A9: Page 76 - Strategic Policy 6 – Homes for people on different incomes, figure 22


In figure 22, change the Nunhead ward to denote "(10 units or more) At least 35% of new homes must be affordable.  At least 35% of new homes must be private" so that at least 35% of new homes would be private to reflect the high level of social housing and the high number of permissions that are for just affordable/social housing.


A11 (Revised): Page 120 – Implementation and delivery


In the phasing column of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th entries on page 120 insert (underlined text):



Delivery and infrastructure


Who will be involved


Working with landowners and developers to bring sites forward.

We will work with developers and registered social landlords to encourage them to bring forward the sites that provide the most sustainable development first. This will be in line with strategic policy 1 considering issues such as developing brown-field land before green spaces.




Working with registered social landlords to bring forward new housing developments such as through SOUHAG and our joint programme board with the Homes and Communities Agency.



Bringing our own land forward for development.

We will bring forward our developments on sites that will deliver the most sustainable development possible. This will be in line with strategic policy 1 considering issues such as developing brown-field land before green spaces.



Developing council owned land.



A12: Proposals map amendment




New other open space: Brayards Green (See supplemental agenda 3, page 4 for map).




New protected shopping frontage: 6 - 8 evens Nunhead Green, 60 - 66 evens Nunhead Lane (See supplemental agenda 3, page 5 for map).


A13: Change to the Proposals map


Southwark Plan OS98 Surrey Canal Walk including Bonar Road allotments.


Page 14 Inequalities within Southwark


Insert as indicated (deletion shown with a strikethrough and new text underlined):


The level of wealth is very relatively high in areas such as Herne Hill, Dulwich, London Bridge and Bankside.


Page 43– London Bridge Vision


Insert as shown below (new text underlined):


Development will be mainly focused in the area around London Bridge station which serves stations in Southwark, where Transport for London, Network Rail, the Primary Care Trust, King’s College and major land owners will help deliver large scale change.  This will include major development of the station to improve capacity and links between transport types as well as provide more shops and offices.  These station improvements should prioritise links to buses and train stations within Southwark. This will improve the transport accessibility to Bermondsey, Rotherhithe and Elephant and Castle in the north, Camberwell, Peckham and Nunhead in the centre and Lordship Lane, Herne Hill, East, West Dulwich and Dulwich in the south. 


Page 46 – Aylesbury Action Area


Figure 15: Aylesbury - insert an additional link (indicated on map below):



Page 52 - New East Dulwich vision


Insert new section:


East Dulwich Vision


“We are working with the local community to further improve East Dulwich as a pleasant and popular place to live.  The area is mostly residential with lots of Victorian terraced housing. Local residents have good access to local shops along Northcross Road and Grove Vale and a wider variety of shops on Lordship Lane.  There is plenty of access to surrounding attractive open spaces including Goose Green, Dulwich Park and Peckham Rye Common.  East Dulwich Station provides train services to London Bridge which are well used by the many East Dulwich residents. Current improvements to Dulwich Leisure Centre will improve the facility for local residents.


“The Mayor does not set us targets for East Dulwich. There will be very little growth, with the focus on improving what is already there and protecting its suburban character.  The Dulwich supplementary planning document will set out guidance on how to further improve East Dulwich.”


Page 68 – Places to learn and enjoy


In “we will do this”, insert underlined text:


Protecting schools where there is a long-term local need.


Pages 110 – Infrastructure


In first paragraph insert underlined word:


New development in the borough needs to be supported by adequate infrastructure. This includes social infrastructure such as schools, health and other community facilities, transport infrastructure, green infrastructure such as parks and open spaces, and energy, telecoms and utilities infrastructure.


Page 111 - Community Infrastructure Levy


In third paragraph insert underlined text:


CIL should be used to fund the infrastructure needs of development. Development can be unlocked and made sustainable by the provision of very different types of infrastructure, such as transport, schools and health centres, flood defences, energy, telecoms and utilities, play areas, parks and other green spaces, many of which are already funded in part by the existing system of developer contributions.


Page 56 – Strategic Policy 2 – Sustainable Transport


Figure 17: How this will look.  Insert the possible route for the Bakerloo line extension as shown in the map below:



5.  That the publication and submission of the core strategy publication/submission version (appendix A as amended) to the Secretary of State in March 2010 together with any representations received be agreed.


6.  That the preparation of a summary of representations received and approval of any minor amendments to the wording of the Core Strategy publication/submission version, be delegated to the strategic director for regeneration and neighbourhoods in consultation with the executive member for regeneration before submission to Secretary of State.


7.  That the Southwark plan policies as set out in appendix G of the report be ‘saved’.


Note:  In accordance with the budget and policy framework procedure rule 2 (g), the executive recommendation had been amended and should be treated as an in-principle decision. The leader informed the meeting that he did not object to the decision.  Therefore the decision can be implemented with immediate affect.