Issue - decisions

(Licensing application)


The meeting agreed to accept the additonal papers submitted by the appellant.  Therefore at 10.20am the meeting adjourned in order to read the character references.  The meeting reconved at 10.30am.


The police representative presented his evidence.  Thereafter members of the sub-committee asked questions of the police representative.


The trading standards officer made his presentation.  Thereafter members of the sub-committee asked questions of the trading standards officer.


The appellant’s representative asked questions of the police representative following which the appellant’s representative outlined their case.


Members of the sub-committee then asked questions of the appellant and his representative.


Thereafter the appellant’s representative, the trading standards officer and the police representative summarized their case.


At 11.20am the meeting went into closed session.  At 12.25pm the meeting reconvened and the chair read out the committee’s decision as follows:




The licensing sub-committee, having had regard to the application by Metropolitan Police  Service for a review of the premises granted under the Licensing Act 2003 to Mr Bahader Singh Mahil in  respect of the premises known as B D Wines situated at 1 Braganzar Street, London SE17 and having had regard also to all other relevant representations has decided it necessary for the promotion of the licensing objectives to:


Suspend the licence for a period of three months and modify the conditions of the licence by the addition of the following conditions:


  1. Personal licence holder to be on site at all times that alcohol is sold.
  2. Recorded training scheme for staff who deal with alcohol sales.
  3. Proof of age scheme to be put in place.
  4. CCTV has to be installed and maintained and records kept for 30-31 days.




Having considered all the representations, the committee considers it necessary to suspend the licence for a period of three months and thereafter to modify the conditions of the licence, in order to address the breaches of the licensing objectives, namely protection of children from harm and prevention of crime and disorder.


Appeal Rights


This decision is open to appeal by either


a)  The applicant for the review;

b)  The premises licence holder; or

c)  Any other person who made relevant representations in relation to the application  


Such appeal must be commenced by notice of appeal given by the appellant to the justices chief executive for the magistrates court for the area within the period of 21 days beginning with the day on which the appellant was notified by this licensing authority of the decision.


This decision does not have effect until either


a)  The end of the period for appealing against this decision; or in the event of any notice of appeal being given, until the appeal is disposed of.