Issue - decisions

Southwark Borough of Sanctuary Framework

17/09/2024 - Borough of Sanctuary Framework and Sanctuary Action Plan

The following attended cabinet to provide comments on the report:


·  Pauline Nandoo, Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers

·  Sally Causer and Madeleine Kelleher, Southwark Law Centre

·  Eltayeb Hassan from Southwark Refugee Communities Forum

·  Mazan, an asylum seeker who has received refugee status.


Sally Causer advised that she would be retiring this year from her job at the Southwark Law Centre and the Leader placed on record his thanks for her phenomenal work for the past 20 years, transforming peoples’ lives in the Borough.




1.  That it be noted that Southwark Council was awarded Borough of Sanctuary status on 17 June 2024 under the City of Sanctuary movement. Part of undertaking the full assessment, the council was required to have its own Sanctuary Framework and Sanctuary action plan to demonstrate its commitment to being a Borough of Sanctuary by adhering to the terms and values of the City of Sanctuary movement.


2.  That the 2024-2027 Southwark Borough of Sanctuary Framework and Sanctuary action plan for the delivery of services to refugee, asylum seeker and migrant communities residing in Southwark be approved and the next steps set out in the report be noted.


3.  That the requirement of the implementation of a framework and action plan for sanctuary seekers for future decision making and integration into council’s business and budget planning process be noted.


4.  That the four-year grant programme for voluntary community sector (VCS) organisations working with refugees, asylum seekers and disadvantaged migrants with a total budget of 100k per year be approved. This will be paid by the local authority through a number of grants already received from central government.


5.  That the progress made against the other resolutions in the motion passed by council assembly on 28 January 2020 be noted.