Issue - decisions

Appointments to Outside Bodies 2024-25

18/06/2024 - Appointments to Outside Bodies 2024-25

It was highlighted that Southwark Twinning Association was a new outside body appointment for the council.




That appointments to the outside bodies listed in Appendix A of the report for the 2024-25 municipal year be agreed as follows:


Better Bankside Board


Councillor Helen Dennis


Blue Bermondsey BID Board


Cllr Leo Pollak


Board of Southwark College Corporation


Cllr Jasmine Ali


Browning Estate Management Association


Cllr Naima Ali


Capital Letters (Boroughs’ Representative Body (BRB)


Cllr Sarah King


Central London Forward


Cllr Kieron Williams


Centre London Forward (Employment and Skills Board)


Cllr John Batteson


Centre for Literacy in Primary Education


Cllr Catherine Rose


Cross River Board


Cllr James McAsh


Crystal Palace Community Development Trust


Cllr Catherine Rose


Greencoats Studios (UAL, Wilson Road Steering Group)


Cllr Sabina Emmanuel


Groundwork London, Local Authority Strategic Input Authority


Cllr Portia Mwangangye


Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation (Council of Governors)


Cllr Emily Hickson


Kings College Hospital NHS (Council of Governors)


Cllr Renata Hamvas


London Bridge Improvement District BID


Cllr John Batteson


London Road Safety Council (LRSC)


Cllr James McAsh

Cllr Richard Livingstone


London Youth Games Limited


Cllr Portia Mwangangye

Cllr Jasmine Ali (deputy)


Millwall for All


Cllr Sunny Lambe




Cllr Sabina Emmanuel


Newable Limited (formerly Greater London Enterprise Limited)


Cllr John Batteson


North Southwark Environment Trust


Cllr Naima Ali


Oru Space (20 – 22 Lordship Lane) Steering Group


Cllr James McAsh

Cllr Charlie Smith


Peckham Levels Steering Group


Cllr John Batteson

Cllr Reggie Popoola


Peckham Palms Steering Group


Cllr Sabina Emmanuel

Cllr Suzanne Abachor


Potters Fields Park Management Trust


Cllr Portia Mwangangye

Toni Ainge, acting strategic director, environment, neighbourhoods and growth


Shared ICT Services Joint Committee


Cllr Stephanie Cryan

Cllr Barrie Hargrove


South Bank and Waterloo Partnership (previously South Bank Partnership)


Cllr John Batteson

Cllr David Watson

Cllr Irina von Wiese

Cllr Victor Chamberlain


South Bank Business Improvement District Ltd


Cllr John Batteson

Cllr Irina von Wiese


South London Gallery Trustee Limited


Cllr Richard Leeming

Cllr Cleo Soanes


South London and Maudsley (SLaM) NHS Trust Members Council


Cllr Jason Ochere


Southwark and Lambeth Archaeological Excavation Committee (SLAEC)


Cllr Richard Leeming

Mr. Bob Skelly


Southwark Construction Skills Centre (“the Centre”)


Cllr John Batteson


Southwark Twinning Association


Cllr James McAsh


Safer Neighbourhood Board (Southwark)


Cllr Natasha Ennin


WeAreWaterloo BID (Business Improvement District)


Cllr Maria Linforth-Hall


Walworth Group


Cllr Natasha Ennin