Issue - decisions

Replacement of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system (GW1)

18/06/2024 - Gateway 1 - Procurement Strategy Approval: Replacement of the Enterprise Resource Planning System



1.  That the procurement strategy for the replacement of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, on the basis of a fully integrated ERP solution, via Crown Commercial Service (CCS) framework RM6194 Back Office Solutions for the Vendor, System Implementation Partner, Data Migration, and Reporting contracts, and via the replacement CCS framework for Back Office Solutions for archiving and support costs, and CCS framework RM6193 for Business Change Management, for a period of up to ten years total duration with an estimated maximum value of £35.7m across all contracts as detailed in the financial implication section of the report, be approved. 


2.  That the approach that the council will procure a fully integrated ERP solution for the reasons noted at paragraphs 17-19 of the report be approved.


3.  That it be noted that the procurement strategy relates to seven contracts for the individual aspects of the requirements associated with the ERP system, each for the contract periods and contract values noted in paragraph 23 of the report.


4.  That approval be delegated to the strategic director of finance to approve the contract awards to the successful supplier(s) in consultation with the cabinet member for equalities, democracy and finance for the reasons noted in paragraph 61 of the report.


5.  That approval be delegated to the strategic director of finance in consultation with the cabinet member for equalities, democracy and finance to approve alternative procurement route/s for all lots if required for the reasons noted at paragraph 49-52 of the report.