Issue - decisions

Queen's Road Controlled Parking Zone

19/03/2024 - Queen's Road Controlled Parking Zone


1.  That it be approved that the implementation of a new controlled parking zone (“CPZ”) in Queen’s Road, covering a smaller area than proposed in public consultation, in response to resident feedback. This proposal is subject to the outcome of any necessary statutory procedures. Roads to be excluded that were included in the informal consultation with residents, are Asylum Road, Culmore Road, Clifton Way, Station Passage and Lugard Road.  The majority of residents living on the roads that are included in the new smaller zone were supportive of a CPZ on their road (53%).  Otherwise given the overall majority who didn’t want a CPZ, their wishes, in revising the broader proposal, are being supported. Full details can be found in Appendix A as can the boundary of the proposed zone.


2.  That the operational hours of the proposed CPZ is Monday to Friday, 1pm to 3pm as per the request of the majority of respondents be noted.


3.  That it be noted that a further report will be brought to the Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods, and Growth should there be any valid statutory objections to the traffic order required to implement the new CPZ. 


4.  That it be approved that the position and type of parking bays and restrictions for the proposed CPZ and surrounding streets as shown in the outline design save for any amendments which may be required at the implementation stage, and which may be determined by officers (Appendix B).


5.  That it be noted that in addition to the controlled parking zone proposed as part of this report, officers will assess and propose double yellow line waiting restrictions across the entire consulted area where required for safety reasons.