Issue - decisions

Goose Green Streets for People - Melbourne Grove, Elsie Road , Derwent Grove, Tintagel Crescent Pocket Parks

17/07/2024 - Goose Green Streets for People - Melbourne Grove, Elsie Road , Derwent Grove, Tintagel Crescent Pocket Parks


1.  That the 193 responses (summarised at Appendix 2) received in relation to the public consultation for Goose Green Streets for People design, as shown on the drawing at Appendix 1 be considered. That officers’ response to the consultation be considered and that it be noted that approximately 64% of representations received were in support of the proposal, 15% were partially supportive and 21% not at all.


2.  That officers be instructed to proceed to the detailed design stage for the Goose Green Streets for People improvements proposal.


3.  That the Equality Impact and Needs Analysis (“EINA”) addressing concerns raised in the consultation responses for this proposal (paragraphs 40 to 44) be noted.


4.  That officers be authorized to proceed to implement the Goose Green Streets for People area Improvements by way of powers under the Highways Act 1980 (“1980 Act”), powers under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“1984 Act”) and permanent Traffic Management Orders (“TMOs”) made pursuant to sections 6 and 124 (and other powers) of the 1984 Act, subject to statutory consultation carried out in accordance with the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996 (“1996 Regulations”).


5.  That officers be authorised to exercise discretion as to whether or not to hold a public inquiry in the event objections are received pursuant to regulation 9(1) of the 1996 Regulations. 


6.  That it be noted that in the event objections are received following statutory consultation a further report will be presented to the Cabinet Member in order for him determine whether to proceed with the making of the TMOs.


7.  That officers be authorized to carry out the necessary statutory notification in accordance with sections 90A to 90F of the 1980 Act and the Highways (Road Humps) Regulations 1999 (“1999 Regulations”).