That the Strategic Director of Children andAdult Services;
1. formalises his prior approval to the variation of theAsbestos Consultancy Services ContractA, surveying and bulk sampling to PenningtonChoices Ltdto extendthe termof thecontract fora periodof 16 monthsfrom 1January 2024to 30April 2025(as furtherdetailed inparagraph 15)at an estimated additional cost of £276.5kmaking a total revised estimated contract value of £1.861.5m.
2. formalises his prior approval to the variation of the Asbestos Consultancy Services Contract B, air sampling and monitoring to Armstrong York Asbestos Environmental Ltd to extend the term of the contractfor aperiod 16months from1 January2024 to30 April2025 (asfurther detailed in paragraph 15) at an estimated additional cost of £46.5k making a total revised estimated contract value of £370.5k.