Issue - decisions

Gateway 3 - Variation Decision for variations valued over £500,000 (Works) - Slippers Place - Deed of Variation to the Works Contracts

13/02/2024 - Gateway 3 - Variation Decision for variations valued over £500,000 (Works) - Slippers Place - Deed of Variation to the Works Contracts

That the Strategic Director of Finance:


1.  Approves a variation to the works contract for the development at Slippers Place with Glenman Corporation Limited (Glenman) from £6,939,409 to £8,459,317 an increase cost of £1,519,908 for the reason noted in paragraphs 12-13 of the report.


2.  Notes the revised total scheme costs from £8,548,562 to £10,576,082 including on-cost further details of which are in the closed report.


3.  Notes a revised practical completion date of 5 December 2024. 


4.  Notes an additional variation to the capital programme in the sum of £1,674,694 is required for the reason noted in paragraphs 44-45 of the report.