Issue - decisions

Southwark Tenants Support: Improving Health and Wellbeing

22/11/2023 - Southwark Tenants Support: Improving Health and Wellbeing



1.  The establishment of a programme to understand the health and wellbeing needs in a number of social housing settings and co-producing interventions to meet identified needs be approved by the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing.


2.  The programme will include a focus on potential health and wellbeing implications arising from the physical home environment as well as from pressures on residents in a challenging post-pandemic context with a Cost of Living Crisis be noted by the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing.


3.  Three quotes will be sought for programme management, which will include the co-ordination of engagement, co-design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation over 12 months be noted by the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing.


4.  In consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, the approval of funds to delivery partners administering the intervention of up to a total of £150,000 be delegated to the Director of Public Health by the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing.