Issue - decisions

Reconciliation of leisure centre fees and charges

24/05/2023 - Reconciliation of leisure centre fees and charges

1.  That Cabinet Member for Leisure, Parks, Streets and Clean Air:


a)  Approves changes to the fees and charges for leisure services from 21 June 2023 as further detailed in paragraphs 9 to 27;


b)  Notes that with the exception of those changes in the fees and charges which are to correct pricing/membership anomalies identified as part of the mobilisation activity for transfer of the leisure service to the council, the changes proposed are to ensure that users of the service continue to benefit from the existing pricing arrangements;


c)  Delegates to the Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth approval to agree special offers and discounted programmes/products to be offered to service users post transfer of the leisure service and notes that amendments are to be made to the Scheme of management for the Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth department as further detailed in paragraph 29 to exercise this approval;


d)  Approves the delegation of further changes to the fees and charges for leisure services in respect of any other pricing/membership anomalies that are identified during the mobilisation activity and for the period of up to 6 months from 21 June 2023 to the Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth.