Issue - decisions

LBS Cost of Living Response 2023-24

11/07/2023 - Southwark's Response to the Cost of Living Crisis 2023-24

Cabinet also heard representations from the following with regard to their work with the council, support for residents and evidence of the impact of the cost of living crisis:


·  Tim Clark, Strategic Support, Citizens Advice Southwark

·  Cathy Deplessis, Director, Southwark Pensioners Centre and

·  Chris Price, Chief Executive, Pecan.




1.  That the ongoing impact of the cost of living crisis, what it means for residents of Southwark, and the council’s ongoing approach to support residents in 2023-24 be noted.


2.  That the council’s £5.47m allocation from the Government’s Household Support Fund and its inclusion within a new Southwark Council cost of living fund in 2023-24 be noted.


3.  That the new Southwark cost of living response for the period April 2023 – March 2024 and the Cash First approach to the distribution of support (help to pay bills) be approved.


4.  That responsibility to make future amendments to the Southwark cost of living fund be delegated to the strategic director of finance in consultation with the cabinet member for communities, democracy and finance.


5.  That other activities to support residents during the cost of living crisis including all the strands as set out be noted.