That the Strategic Director of Finance:
1. Approves a variation to the works contract for the development at Lomond Grove with Glenman Corporation Limited (Glenman) from £7,783,403 to £8,804,964 an increase cost of £1,321,561 for the reason noted in paragraphs 13 -14 (of the report), of which £956,116 is a retrospective approval.
2. Notes the revised total scheme costs from £9,420,681 to £11,212,314 including land acquisition and on-costs further details of which are in the closed report.
3. Notes a revised practical completion date of 22 May 2024, an additional 40 weeks.
4. Notes an additional variation to the capital programme in the sum of £436,747 is required for the reason noted in paragraphs 46-47 (of the report).