That the Strategic Director of Housing:
1. Formalises his previous approval of the variation to the Temporary Accommodation Contract 2, refurbishment/conversion contract with Niblock (Builders) Limited (Niblock) at an additional cost of £731,907 varying the contract sum from £1,883,406 to £2,615,313.
2. Approves a variation to the contingency for the above contract, increasing the sum by £36,596, varying the contingency from £94,170 to £130,766.
3. Notes the increase to the other on-costs, and 4% development allowance associated with the contract, from £247,691 to £528,318 resulting in a variance of £280,627.
4. Notes the increase of the total scheme costs from £2,225,267 to £3,274,397, resulting in an increase of £1,049,130.
5. Notes that this report was considered at Departmental Contract Review Board (DCRB) in July 2022 but was not sent for approval until April 2023.