Issue - decisions

Gateway 3 - Variation Decision for variations valued over £500,000 (Works) Works Contract for the New Homes Delivery programme - Tissington Court

19/01/2023 - Gateway 3 - Variation Decision for variations valued over £500,000 (Works) Works Contract for the New Homes Delivery programme - Tissington Court

That the Strategic Director of Housing and Modernisation:


1.  Approves the increase of the total scheme costs for the New Homes Delivery programme for Tissington Court in the sum of £868,836.81 for the increase in construction costs for the award of contract with Guildmore Limited. Making the total contract value of £13,459,786.69


2.  Approves the increase of the total scheme costs of £16,022,115.00 which represents an increase of 6.4% from the Gateway 2 approval of £15,045,542.