Issue - decisions

Southwark Construction Strategic Plan

08/03/2023 - Southwark Construction Strategic Plan

It was not possible to circulate this report five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept this item as urgent as a decision on the strategy for guaranteeing a financially sustainable housing supply and extensive resident engagement on housing schemes was key to delivering the commitments laid out in the Council Delivery Plan. The urgent approval of the report was required to avoid delays to the undertaking of a range of resident engagement. This would inform the council’s approach to affordable housing supply up to 2026; these recommendations were reported to cabinet in 2024. The current economic environment required a dynamic and agile approach from Southwark Construction to deliver on both future and current developments that are already underway. This would reduce the incurrence of costs to the council moving forward by enabling Southwark Construction to remain responsive to the economic situation in its financing and planning.




1.  That the undertaking of a comprehensive review that considers the pipeline of affordable housing supply in the Southwark Construction Programme, exploring a range of options that reflects the priorities of local people, creates inclusive neighbourhoods and set the foundations for a financially sustainable housing supply in future years ‘Routes to 11,000 – a new council homes strategy for Southwark’ be approved.


2.  That the undertaking of a range of significant resident engagement, as outlined in paragraphs 30-33 of the report, which will help to inform the council’s approach to affordable housing supply up to 2026, subject to obtaining any necessary approval for the appointment of suitably experienced organisations to assist where relevant be approved.


3.  That it be noted that the findings and recommendations from such engagement and programme review will be brought forward, in a separate report, for cabinet approval by early 2024.


4.  That the continued delivery of a number of schemes within the Southwark Construction Programme, subject to obtaining any necessary approval for procurement for the appointment of developers/contractors to deliver individual schemes within the programme and in accordance with Southwark’s scheme of management, resident engagement and charter of principles be noted.


5.  That it be noted that Southwark Construction will remain agile and responsive to market conditions and utilise all tools at their disposal to make the most efficient use of council resources to maximise the number of new homes delivered.