Issue - decisions

Gateway 2 Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Taxi Framework

16/06/2022 - Gateway 2 Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Taxi Framework

That the Strategic Director of Children’s and Adults’ Services;


1.  Approves the appointment of the following companies a Taxi transport  Framework Agreement that the council is establishing:


·  Healthcare and Transport Services (HATS)

·  Access Mobility Transport Limited 

·  Allfor Care 


for the provision of Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) taxi for children, young people and vulnerable adults for a period of four years commencing on 1 September 2022 at an estimated annual value of £3.3m, making an estimated total Framework Agreement value over the four years of £13.2m.


2.  Approves the award of Call Off Contracts (these values are included in the framework value above) for the first year in respect of SEND taxi transport based on the expected levels of activity as follows:


·  HATS 48 transport rounds - £1.995m


·  Access Mobility Transport Limited, 9 transport rounds – £422k


·  Allfor Care, 15 transport rounds – £346k


·  additional rounds to be awarded to the value of approximately £537k.


3.  Notes that the value of these Call-Off Contracts may be subject to change due to finalisation of operational detail as noted in paragraphs 39 to 41 of this report and agree that any changes will be approved by the Director of Education.


4.  Note that in-year changes to Call Off Contracts or award of new rounds will be awarded without the need for a separate gateway report in line with the Children’s and Adults’ Services scheme of management.