1. That the balanced general fund outturn position for 2021-22 after the application of reserves and emergency Covid-19 funding (Table 1 of the report) be noted.
2. That the application of £13.5m of general Covid-19 emergency grant funding be noted.
3. That the key adverse variations and budget pressures underlying the outturn position be noted:
(i) The dedicated school grants (DSG) outturn position of a £21.7m deficit and the pressures on high needs budgets
(ii) The continuing budget pressures within children’s social care
(iii) The continuing budget pressures on temporary accommodation.
4. That the utilisation of £4m contingency (paragraph 60 of the report) to offset adverse variances be noted.
5. That the housing revenue account outturn for 2021-22 be noted (Table 2, paragraphs 61-69 of the report).
6. That the detailed movements of earmarked reserves as set out in Appendices B and C of the report be noted.
7. That the treasury management activity in 2021-22 (paragraphs 85-92 of the report)be noted.
8. That the interdepartmental budget movements that exceed £250k, as shown in Appendix A of the report be approved.
9. That the interdepartmental general fund budget movements that are less than £250k as shown in Appendix A of the report be noted.