Issue - decisions

Determination of Objections - Brenchley Gardens 20mph Scheme

28/09/2021 - Determination of Objections - Brenchley Gardens 20mph Scheme

  i.  That the five representations as summarised in Table One received during statutory consultation relating to the proposal to introduce traffic calming measures on Brenchley Gardens be considered and that it be noted that some representations provided more than one ground for objection.


 ii.  That each objection and comment as per the table prepared by officers in Appendix A be considered and determined.


iii.  That the amendments proposed by officers in response to the objections received as shown in in Appendix B be approved.


iv.  That officers be instructed to write to each person who made representations to inform them of the council’s decision.


v.  That officers be instructed to make the necessary Traffic Management Order.


vi.  That officers be instructed to proceed with installation of traffic calming measures as per the Individual Decision Making report agreed on 5 May 2020.