Issue - decisions

Determination of objections - North Peckham Streetspace

28/02/2022 - Determination of objections - North Peckham Streetspace

 That the Cabinet Member for Transport, Parks and Sport:


  1. Considers the four representations received during the statutory consultation period for the Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation North Peckham Streetspace Scheme. Three responses were received via email, one was received through our online mapping system.


  1. Consider and determine each objection and comment as per the table prepared by officers in Appendix 1.


  1. Instructs officers to write to each person who made representations to inform them of the council’s decision.


  1. Instructs officers to proceed with the following trial measures on a permanent basis:


·  Two traffic filters installed on Fenham Road, the junction between Marmont Road and Peckham High Street

·  The enforcement camera and modal filter at the junction of Goldsmith Road and Meeting House Lane.

·  Crossing improvements at the junction with Friary Road.


  1. Instructs officers to make the necessary Traffic Management Order.