1. It be agreed that the Strategic Director of Housing and Modernisation formalizes his prior approval for the variation of Contract A (north of the borough) Roofing and Rainwater Chargeable contract to Bridgewater Roofing Contractors Ltd to extend the term of the contract for a period of 8 months from 1 October 2020 (as further detailed in paragraph 14) at an estimated additional cost of £960k making a total revised estimated contract value of £3.29m.
2. It be agreed that the Strategic Director of Housing and Modernisation formalizes his prior approval for the variation of Contract B (south of the borough) Roofing and Rainwater Chargeable contract to A&E Elkins Ltd to extend the term of the contract for a period of 8 months from 1 October 2020 (as further detailed in paragraph 14) at an estimated additional cost of £584k making a total revised estimated contract value of £2.2m.