1. That an extension to a one year grant to the Alzheimer’s Society for the sum of £164,000 effective from 1 April 2020, in order to continue to provide post-diagnostic support to people living with dementia and the continued development of a Dementia Action Alliance (as part of the wider council commitment to an Age-Friendly Borough) be approved.
2. That it be noted that this proposed decision is recommended by the Better Care Fund Planning Group made up of officers of the council and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) assuming that Better Care Fund (BCF) funding continues for 2020-21, which is currently awaiting final confirmation from central government.
3. That it also be noted that this grant extension offers the council and the CCG the opportunity to adopt a whole system approach by integrating the service offer into the Southwark Joint Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018 (Priority 5 – Older People and Dementia).