Councillor Cryan asked whether this strategy had any provision for apprenticeships. The monitoring officer confirmed that this would be covered by the Fairer Future procurement strategy requirements.
1. That the procurement strategy in relation to the procurement of a delivery partner for roof top developments, other modular opportunities, and associated works through a single Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) delivery partner through the use of the LHC Offsite Construction of New Homes Framework be approved.
2. That the award decision for the Gateway 2 reports for the delivery agreement and all individual project contracts be delegated for approval to the strategic director of housing and modernisation, in consultation with the cabinet member for social regeneration, great estates and new council homes, for the reason outlined in paragraph 63 of the report.
3. That it be noted that the total estimated contract sum of this approval is £36,000,000 and a total estimated cost of £43,000,000 inclusive of fees, subject to the separate IDM (individual decision by member) for specific schemes. It is estimated that the length of the individual build contracts will range from 12 to 15 months depending on the complexities of each site, with the overall contract lasting for up to 5 years from Summer 2020 to 30 June 2025.