Issue - decisions

Resident Involvement Review recommendations

19/06/2019 - Resident Involvement Review Recommendations



1.  That the recommendations of the Resident Involvement Co-design Panel and subsequent consultation feedback in relation to the council’s housing engagement and involvement framework be noted.


2.  That the proposals by the council for a new framework that takes into account the panel’s recommendations and consultation feedback be noted:


a)  That tenants & residents associations remain fundamental to the structure providing both scrutiny and community development functions for tenants and homeowners

b)  That the functions of the existing 12 area housing forums in terms of discussing local housing issues, are incorporated into the newly established Empowering Communities Programme which will bring residents and local councillors together to discuss housing and other local issues either on a ward or multi-ward basis

c)  That Tenant Council and Homeowner Council are replaced by one Tenants and Homeowners Forum

d)  That the chair, deputy-chair and one other member of the proposed Tenants and Homeowners Forum are co-opted to the housing scrutiny commission, a sub-committee of the council’s overview and scrutiny committee

e)  That an online panel of tenants and homeowners is established to provide an additional way to regularly seek the views of a wider range of residents through polls and longer consultation exercises

f)  That the council will support tenants and homeowners to arrange an annual conference

g)  That a new Resident Involvement Fund replaces existing separate funds which currently exist for Tenant Council  and Homeowners Council. 


3.  That a further round of consultation on the proposals to take place between July and October 2019 be agreed.


4.  That officers report back to cabinet by October 2019 on the outcome of the consultation.


5.  That the approval of final proposals for a new Resident Involvement Framework be considered by cabinet.