It was confirmed that this Plan would be considered by council assembly 29 November 2017.
1. That the New Southwark Plan: Proposed Submission Version (Appendix A of the report) be agreed for consultation.
2. That the Consultation Plan (Appendix B of the report) and Consultation Report (Appendix C of the report) be noted.
3. That Integrated Impact Assessment (Appendix D of the report) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (Appendix E of the report) be noted.
4. That the addendum report be noted and the following amendment be agreed:
Update to Site Vision for NSP84: 330-344 Walworth Road
The Site Vision for NSP88 330-344 Walworth Road to be updated to read ‘Redevelopment of the site should reprovide a gym (D1) of equivalent size’. The Design and Accessibility Guidance to be updated to include the following guidance ‘The site currently includes affordable retail space, including a small supermarket. Any redevelopment should reprovide affordable retail space in accordance with policies P28 and P29.’