Issue - decisions

Resettlement of Syrian Refugee Households

14/12/2016 - Resettlement of Syrian Refugee Households



1.  That an overall ambition to rehouse five Syrian refugee households a year for the next five years (2017-2021) be agreed.


2.  That the strategic director of housing and modernisation be instructed to make a formal offer to the Home Office to resettle five Syrian refugee households in Southwark within the next year (phase 1). This offer would be based on the local authority led model, utilising the offer of accommodation from the Salvation Army, and support from Citizens UK.


3.  That the strategic director of housing and modernisation bring a report back to cabinet at the end of 2017 on the plan for housing the phase 2 households, taking account of any changes in the housing market. This will include identifying opportunities with our community partners where possible.


4.  That officers be instructed to set up a Southwark Syrian Refugee Multi Agency Working Group to:


·  Develop the formal offer to the Home Office


·  Ensure the arriving households receive the full range of support required.


5.  That it be noted that phase 1 of the scheme will be fully funded by central Government. There may be financial pressures for phase 2 dependent on the tenure(s) used. These are set out in paragraphs 22 to 28 of the report.