Issue - decisions

Gateway 1: Procurement strategy - communal lighting and electrical testing contracts - Contract A: North of the borough and Contract B: South of the borough

16/05/2016 - Gateway 1: Procurement strategy - communal lighting and electrical testing contracts - Contract A: North of the borough and Contract B: South of the borough

1.  That the procurement strategy outlined in this report for two communal lighting and electrical testing contracts: Contract A - north of the borough at an estimated annual cost of £1.85m and Contract B - south of the borough at an estimated annual cost of £1.53m be agreed for a period of 4 years with the option to extend each contract by a further 2 year period, with an estimated start date in July 2017, making a total estimated value of £20.3m for the contracts.


2.  That the rationale behind the geographical division of contract areas is based on the need to ensure efficient delivery of the services be noted.